Logi 2024 Cdp Submission For Cy23

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Logitech Europe S.A.

2024 CDP Corporate Questionnaire 2024
Important: this export excludes unanswered questions

This document is an export of your organization's CDP questionnaire response. It contains all data points for questions that are answered or in progress. There may be questions or data points that you have been requested to provide, which are missing from this document because they are currently unanswered. Please note that it is your responsibility to verify that your questionnaire response is complete prior to submission. CDP will not be liable for any failure to do so.
Terms of disclosure for corporate questionnaire 2024 - CDP


C1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8

(1.1) In which language are you submitting your response? .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
(1.2) Select the currency used for all financial information disclosed throughout your response. ........................................................................................................................ 8

(1.3) Provide an overview and introduction to your organization. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
(1.4) State the end date of the year for which you are reporting data. For emissions data, indicate whether you will be providing emissions data for past reporting years. ..... 9
(1.4.1) What is your organization's annual revenue for the reporting period? ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
(1.5) Provide details on your reporting boundary. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
(1.6) Does your organization have an ISIN code or another unique identifier (e.g., Ticker, CUSIP, etc.)? ............................................................................................................ 10
(1.8) Are you able to provide geolocation data for your facilities? ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
(1.8.1) Please provide all available geolocation data for your facilities. .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
(1.24) Has your organization mapped its value chain? ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
(1.24.1) Have you mapped where in your direct operations or elsewhere in your value chain plastics are produced, commercialized, used, and/or disposed of? .................. 14

C2. Identification, assessment, and management of dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities ............................... 15
(2.1) How does your organization define short-, medium-, and long-term time horizons in relation to the identification, assessment, and management of your environmental dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities? ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15

(2.2) Does your organization have a process for identifying, assessing, and managing environmental dependencies and/or impacts? ........................................................... 16
(2.2.1) Does your organization have a process for identifying, assessing, and managing environmental risks and/or opportunities? .............................................................. 17
(2.2.2) Provide details of your organization's process for identifying, assessing, and managing environmental dependencies, impacts, risks, and/or opportunities. ............. 17
(2.2.7) Are the interconnections between environmental dependencies, impacts, risks and/or opportunities assessed? ................................................................................. 26
(2.3) Have you identified priority locations across your value chain? .................................................................................................................................................................. 26
(2.4) How does your organization define substantive effects on your organization? .......................................................................................................................................... 27
(2.5) Does your organization identify and classify potential water pollutants associated with its activities that could have a detrimental impact on water ecosystems or human health? ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29
(2.5.1) Describe how your organization minimizes the adverse impacts of potential water pollutants on water ecosystems or human health associated with your activities.
.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30

C3. Disclosure of risks and opportunities ............................................................................................................................. 35

(3.1) Have you identified any environmental risks which have had a substantive effect on your organization in the reporting year, or are anticipated to have a substantive effect on your organization in the future?............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
(3.1.1) Provide details of the environmental risks identified which have had a substantive effect on your organization in the reporting year, or are anticipated to have a substantive effect on your organization in the future. .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 36

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