K4B1G1646G-BCH9 - Samsung

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Rev. 1.11, Jun. 2011

1Gb G-die DDR3 SDRAM x16 only
96FBGA with Lead-Free & Halogen-Free
(RoHS compliant)



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Rev. 1.11




Revision History
Revision No.


Draft Date




- First release

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SCX-4828FN Mono Laser Multifunction Printer Features: " Print, copy, scan, fax, PC fax " Print speeds up to 30 ppm/cpm " Built-in duplex and network-ready " Small footprint of just 17.5" x 16.1" " 50,000 pages monthly duty cycle " Scan and print directly to and from USB flash drive SCX-4828FN imagine adding another hard worker to your office, without adding any space. Now imagine the Samsung SCX-4828FN multifunction printer. This versatile print, copy, scan and fax machine features a compact footprint...

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