iPod nano ??????????? ???????????? - Support - Apple

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

iPod nano


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D - Support - Apple
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CHLL2540.book Page 1 Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:18 PM PowerBook G4 12 é +Ì , ² ( , i õ PowerBook G4 +* , ™oc ö¼æ ² –  +Õ ,òq CHLL2540.book Page 2 Tuesday, March 30, 2004 6:18 PM K Apple Computer, Inc. © 2004 Apple Computer, Inc.  AF Q ‡ êd AppleCare b Apple Computer, Inc. ! É +'W ,  ô +IW , +½ˆ , y¬© +Ÿ ,W>d ø õ ‡ +I ,)Çà Apple „ ïam)†¨ +³ ,É+ q¬ Ó© ŠŠ Š + ¼ Aw ,d .Mac b Apple Computer,...

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