Installing/Uninstalling Logitech desktop for Bluetooth on my ...

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Installing/Uninstalling the Logitech desktop for Bluetooth on my computer

© 2003 Logitech, Inc.

Installing/Uninstalling Logitech desktop for Bluetooth on my computer

Introduction 3
About this guide 4
Summary 6
Can I use my existing Bluetoothøè support? 7
How can I tell if my computer already has Bluetoothøè installed? 8
My computer has Bluetoothøè support built-in. What should I do? 10
My computer has a Bluetoothøè adapter. What should I do? 13
My computer does not have existing Bluetoothøè support. What should I do? 14
I want to uninstall or replace a Logitech device. What should I do ? 15
Troubleshooting 16

This manual is published by Logitech. Logitech assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
© 2003 Logitech. All rights reserved. Logitech, the Logitech logo, and other Logitech marks are owned by Logitech and may be registered. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Logitech is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
Microsoft, Outlook, and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries. Screenshots reprinted by permission from Microsoft Corporation.

© 2003 Logitech, Inc.


Installing/Uninstalling Logitech desktop for Bluetooth on my computer

The SetPoint!" software provided with your Logitechøè product contains a
Bluetoothøè stack1 that allows your mouse, keyboard and other Bluetoothøè devices to connect to your computer through the Bluetoothøè wireless hub.
In most cases you should install the SetPoint software and use the Bluetoothøè
wireless hub to connect your Bluetoothøè devices to your computer. However there are certain situations where this may not be advisable. You may, for example, want to use your computer s existing Bluetoothøè support rather than the Logitech wireless hub. In such cases, a different approach is required.
This guide explains how you check whether your computer has existing Bluetoothøè
support, and recommends the software you should install and the hardware you should use with your setup.
We strongly recommend that you read this guide before installing the SetPoint software on your computer.

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