iMac - Support - Apple

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Welcome to your new iMac. We d like to show you around.

Dual microphones

Let s get started
When you start your iMac for the first time, Setup Assistant helps you get going. Just follow a few simple steps to quickly connect to your Wi-Fi network,
transfer your stuff from another Mac or a PC, and create a user account for your iMac.

FaceTime HD


SD card slot




You can also log in with your Apple ID, which allows you to shop the
App Store, iTunes Store, and Apple Online Store, and keep in touch using
Messages and FaceTime. And your Apple ID lets you access iCloud, which is automatically set up in apps like Mail, Contacts, and Calendar. If you don t have an Apple ID, creating one in Setup Assistant is easy and free.

Let s get moving
It s easy to move files like documents, email, photos, music, and movies to your new iMac from another Mac or a PC. The first time you start your new iMac, it walks you through the process step by step. All you have to do is follow the onscreen instructions.

Using your Magic Mouse
Your Apple Magic Mouse comes with two AA batteries and is already paired with your iMac using Bluetooth®, so as soon as you turn on the mouse you ll be ready to go. To adjust the tracking, clicking, and scrolling speed or to add secondary button support, choose System Preferences from the Apple menu, then click Mouse. Here are some tips on getting the most out of your
Magic Mouse.
Power indicator light

Turn on mouse
Slide the power button on the bottom

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