iMac G5 Hard Drive 17-inch Replacement ... - Support

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øÿ iMac G5

Hard Drive, Parallel ATA
Replacement Instructions
Follow the instructions in this sheet carefully. Failure to follow these instructions could damage your equipment and void its warranty.
Note: Online instructions are available at

Tools Required
" Use the screwdriver provided, or a Phillips #2 screwdriver, preferably with a magnetized tip
" Screw tray or something equivalent to hold the screws

Part Location

033-2491 Rev. B

Important Things to Know
1. All customer removable screws are brass colored. Do not remove screws unless they are brass colored, or you will void your warranty.
2. A magnetized L -shaped Phillips screwdriver is included with the replacement part.
3. Ground yourself when working on the computer. The procedure will show you how to ground yourself.
4. Do not pull on individual wires when disconnecting a part; pull on the connector.
5. Keep drinks and other liquids away from the area you are working on the iMac.
6. A screw chart is attached at the end of this document. Use the chart to identify screw type and screw locations.

2 - iMac G5, Hard Drive, Parallel ATA

Opening the Computer
1. Turn your computer off by choosing Shut down from the Apple (K) menu.
2. Disconnect all cables, and unplug the power cord from your computer.

3. Place a soft, clean towel or cloth on the desk or surface. Hold the sides of the computer and slowly lay the computer face down as shown.

iMac G5, Hard Drive, Parallel ATA - 3

4. Locate the three case screws circled below. You may have to lift the metal foot to locate the middle case screw. Note: These screws are captive; they are part of the display/bezel assembly and cannot be removed.
5. Using the tool provided, or a Phillips #2 screwdriver, loosen the three captive screws.
Note: Turn the screws to the left until they stop turning. Don t force the screws once they stop turning.

6. Holding the back cover by the metal foot, tilt the cover up and lift it off the computer.
Set the back cover aside.

4 - iMac G5, Hard Drive, Parallel ATA

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