
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Getting Started
With Your
Newton Enhancement Pack
Welcome to the Newton Enhancement Pack! The
Enhancement Pack includes a 2 MB storage card preloaded with several useful Newton applications:
m Action Names helps you stay in touch with your contacts.
m Graffiti is a new, faster way of entering text on your
m Newton Utilities has four parts Memory Manager,
Scrapbook, Shortcuts, and Software Manager that help you keep your Newton working at peak efficiency,
quickly access frequently used items and commands,
and organize your Newton applications.
The Enhancement Pack also includes documentation for each application and backup copies of the applications on floppy disks for your Macintosh or
Windows computer.
The plastic pouch mentioned on page 6
of your Graffiti User s Guide is not included in the
Enhancement Pack.


To use the Enhancement Pack applications, simply insert the
Enhancement Pack card in your Newton s card slot. The applications will appear in your Extras Drawer. For more information on each application, see the documentation for that application that came with the Enhancement Pack:


m Action Names: Agenda


m Graffiti: Graffiti, Help, Tutorial, ShortCuts


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