HVR-HD1000E Digital HD Video Camera Recorder (1.9 - Sony

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Digital HD Video Camera Recorder


A new camcorder has been created to meet the growing demand from users who are looking for mobility and professional appearance. The HVR-HD1000E features a shoulder-mount design and black matte body similar to that of professional camcorders; making it perfect for weddings, corporate communications, and sporting events where appearance makes a difference. Premium design characteristics and high-definition HDVTM1080i recording are the main features of this new one-piece shoulder camcorder, ideal for working videographers on a budget. A built-in down-converter creates DV material, perfect for standard DVD productions. Plus, a special still photo mode is ideal for producing DVD cases and making wedding photo albums. Whether you are recording weddings and corporate communications or helping students make a documentary, the HVR-HD1000E is the best choice on the market today as an entry level professional camcorder.

HDV - the Accessible HD Recording Format
HD can be Recorded on an Inexpensive DV Cassette Tape
Video and television technology, as well as viewer preferences, are moving from standard definition (SD) to high definition (HD) - just like black and white television moved to color in the past. HD has almost twice the number of scanning lines available than SD. This means you can see much sharper detail and finer image quality when your work is viewed on a HD display monitor. The HVR-HD1000E adopts the HDV format for HD recording. The HDV format allows you to shoot approximate 63minutes of HD video on a miniDV cassette tape*1. There are two standards of HDV format. One is HDV720p and the other is HDV1080i, which has 1,080 scanning lines and is used by most broadcasters already using HD. Sony has adopted the HDV1080i standard for all its HDV products. *2
HD (16:9) SD (4:3) 576 lines

DV non-linear editing system, while retaining HDV1080i a HD master on the tape for future use. DV Furthermore, the HVR-HD1000E offers a DV DV (LP) recording mode (4:3 or 16:9*4), which can provide a recording time of approximately 120 minutes in LP mode.*5
HD Recording (16:9) SD Editing / Monitoring (4:3)

Down conversion Squeeze i.LINK / Analog output

Letter Box*6

Edge Crop *3 i.LINK is a trademark of Sony used only to designate that a product contains an IEEE 1394 connector. Not all products with an i.LINK connector will necessarily communicate with each other. For information on compatibility, operating conditions, and proper connection, please refer to the documentation supplied with any device with an i.LINK connector. For information on devices that include an i.LINK connection, please contact your nearest Sony office. *4 Squeezed recording. *5 When a DVM80PRL standard miniDV cassette tape is used. If you record in LP mode, pictures may appear mosaic-like or sound may be interrupted when you play back the tape on other camcorders or VCRs. *6 Letter box mode is not available from the i.LINK connector.

1,080 lines

Picture Quality

HDV Recording

DV Recording

HVR-DR60 Brings HDV to IT Workflows
The optional external HVR-DR60 Hard Disk Recording Unit gives you a hybrid operation, where video and audio is recorded simultaneously to hard disk drive (HDD) and tape. The HDV or DV images are recorded as movie files in the HDD for quick nonlinear editing, enabling the operator to archive the source tape as soon as the shoot is finished.

*1 When the PHDVM-63DM miniDV cassette tape is used. The PHDVM-63DV is recommended for the HDV recording mode. The recording data rate of HDV1080i format is almost the same as that of DV format. *2 This brochure refers to the HDV1080i specification as the HDV format.

Full Compatibility with your Current DV System
The HVR-HD1000E offers benefits for SD productions, as well as HD. It is easy to use HDV recordings for your current DV editing work. The HVR-HD1000E has a down-conversion feature that outputs converted DV signals through the i.LINK connector*3 to your current

HVR-DR60 (Hard Disk Recording Unit)

High-quality Imaging System
1/2.9-inch ClearVid CMOS SensorTM
The next generation of Sony imaging sensor, the ClearVid CMOS Sensor used in the HVR-HD1000E camcorder, is quite unique and different from current CMOS technology. The ClearVid CMOS Sensor uses a unique pixel layout rotated 45 degrees to provide high resolution and high sensitivity. This pixel layout technology is also used in higher end professional camcorders. The ClearVid CMOS Sensor, coupled with an Enhanced Imaging ProcessorTM (EIP), generates stunning images. Moreover, thanks to the CMOS technology, bright objects do not cause vertical smear.
· Larger pixel size · Unique 45° angle pixel layout ClearVid CMOS Sensor

Optical 10x zoom by Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonner T*TM lens
The HVR-HD1000E camcorder can adapt to a wide range of shooting situations and features a Carl Zeiss Vario-Sonner T* lens with 10x optical zoom, as featured on higher end professional HDV camcorders. The T* lens coating suppresses unwanted reflections and faithfully reproduces colors for professional-looking results.
with T* coating

without T* coating

Super SteadyShotTM (Optical) Image Stabilizer

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