Htc Csr Report 2013 Eng

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Power To Give
Hi, we're HTC.

HTC Corporation

HTC 2013
Corporate Social Responsibility Report

HTC CSR Highlight


1 The only international smartphone brand from Taiwan


R&D expenses accounted for


HTC One  The best smartphone worldwide


Packing materials are


TPE1 building received USA


4,969 hours of English learning resources


92.54% of our suppliers replied Conflict Mineral Reporting Template


Power To Give  A smartphone CSR initiative



Les promotions

Htc Csr Report 2013 Eng
Htc Csr Report 2013 Eng
13/07/2024 -
2013 HTC CSR REPORT Power To Give Hi, we're HTC. HTC Corporation HTC 2013 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2013 HTC CSR Highlight 1 1 The only international smartphone brand from Taiwan 2 R&D expenses accounted for 3 HTC One  The best smartphone worldwide 4 Packing materials are 5 TPE1 building received USA 6 4,969 hours of English learning resources 7 92.54% of our suppliers replied Conflict Mineral Reporting Template 8 Power To Give  A smartphone...

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Htc Esg Report 2022 En
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2022 HTC ESG Report ESG Report 2 0 2 2 Environment, Social, Governance Publication Date: August, 2023 Editorial Principle Thank you for reading the 11th ESG Report issued by the HTC Corporation (HTC). HTC has an open and honest approach to the review and disclosure of our executive performance related to all Sustainability matters and offers our stakeholders a clear picture of all the related topics. Our aim is to use our brand's influence to integrate our ESG strategies into the organization,...

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HTC 2022 Task Force on Climate-related Financial 2022 TCFD Report Publication Date: June, 2023 ÿ1ÿ Contents Preface 3 Governance 5 Climate Change Governance Framework 5 Management Responsibilities 7 Risk Management 8 Risk Management Process 8 Situational Analysis 11 Strategy 18 Risks and Opportunities 18 Coping Strategy 21 Financial Quantification - Risk 41 Financial Quantification  Opportunities 47 HTC ESG website HTC continues to update the content of the ESG website to provide...

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2012 HTC CSR REPORT Here's To Commitment HTC 2012 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2012 HTC CSR Highlight ONE and only international Smartphone brand enterprise 1 Taiwan's 2 5.4% of revenue invested in innovation and R&D 3 More than 5,300 employees hired in Taiwan. Named as one of the Top-10 constituents of the TWSE RA Taiwan Employment Creation 99 Index 100% recyclable packaging material 4 Uses 5 Headquarters building rated as 6 English learning resources for employees of 7 Handicapped...

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HTC Corporation Supplier Code of Conduct © 2018 HTC Corporation. All rights reserved. HTC and the HTC logo are trademarks of HTC Corporation, registered in the US and other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. May 2018. HTC CORPORATION SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT HTC's Supplier Code of Conduct ( Code ) describes our corporate responsibility requirements for our suppliers. As a condition of doing business with HTC, we expect...

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