here - Samsung

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


MultiXpress C8380ND


Speed (Mono) *
Speed (Color) *
First Print Out Time

Simplex : Up to 38 ppm in A4 (40 ppm in Letter) / Duplex : Up to 33 ppm in A4 (35 ppm in Letter)
Simplex : Up to 38 ppm in A4 (40 ppm in Letter) / Duplex : Up to 30 ppm in A4 (31ppm in Letter)
Less than 13 seconds
9600 x 600 dpi effective output
PCL5c, PCL6, PostScript3, PDF Direct V1.4

Speed (Mono) **
Speed (Color) **
First Copy Out Time
Zoom Rate
Multy Copy
Duplex Copy
Copy Features

Simplex : Up to 38 cpm in A4 (40 cpm in Letter) / Duplex : Up to 33 cpm in A4 (35 cpm in Letter)
Simplex : Up to 38 cpm in A4 (40 cpm in Letter) / Duplex : Up to 30 cpm in A4 (31cpm in Letter)
Up to 1200 x 1200 dpi
Less than 13 seconds
25% ~ 400%
Standard (1:2, 2:2, 2:1)
N-up, ID Card copy, Auto fit, Margin shift, Book copy, Covers, Transparencies, Auto Suppression, Booklet,
Clone, Poster

Scan to

N/W TWAIN standard, WIA standard
Color CCDM
600 x 600 dpi (Optical) / 4,800 x 4,800 dpi (Enhanced)

Les promotions

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