Hard Drive Screws Replacement Instructions - Apple

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øÿ Power Mac G5

Hard Drive Guide Screws
Replacement Instructions

Follow the instructions in this sheet carefully. Failure to follow these instructions could damage your equipment and void its warranty.
Note: Online instructions are available at http://www.info.apple.com/installparts/.

Tools Required
The only tool required for this procedure is a Phillips screwdriver.

Opening the Computer
1. Shut down the computer.
Warning: Always shut down the computer before opening it to avoid damaging its internal components or the components you are installing. Do not open the computer or attempt to install items inside it while it is on.
2. Wait 5 to 10 minutes to allow the computer s internal components to cool.
Warning: After you shut down the system, the internal components can be very hot.
You must let the computer cool down before continuing.
3. Unplug all external cables from the computer except the power cord.
4. Touch the metal PCI access covers on the back of the computer to discharge any static electricity from your body. (Figure 1)
Important: Always discharge static before you touch any parts or install any components inside the computer. To avoid generating static electricity, do not walk around the room until you have finished working and closed the computer.

073-0851 Rev. A

Figure 1

5. Unplug the power cord.
6. Hold the side access panel and lift the latch on the back of the computer. (Figure 2)
Warning: The edges of the access panel and the enclosure can be sharp. Be very careful when handling them.
7. Remove the access panel and place it on a ûat surface covered by a soft, clean cloth.
Figure 2

Power Mac G5 Hard Drive Guide Screws - 2

8. Remove the air deûector and place it on a soft, clean cloth. (Figure 3)
Figure 3

Important: Always remember to replace the air deûector after you have ûnished working inside your computer. The Power Mac G5 computer will not function properly if the air deûector is not replaced.

Power Mac G5 Hard Drive Guide Screws - 3

Removing the Installed Hard Drive Guide Screws

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