Guide de l'utilisateur iPod nano - Support - Apple

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

iPod nano
Guide de l utilisateur

Table des matières


Chapitre 1 : /Vue d ensemble de l iPod nano


Chapitre 2 : /Premiers pas


Chapitre 3 : /Notions élémentaires


Chapitre 4 : /Musique et autres éléments audio


Chapitre 5 : /Vidéos


Chapitre 6 : /Radio FM

Les promotions

AirMac ??? ???????? - Support - Apple
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AirMac AirMac AirMac 1 AirMac AirMac AirMac m m AirMac m m 2 AirMac Extreme AirMac AirMac AirMac Extreme Apple Store AirMac AirMac AirMac Extreme AirMac AirMac Extreme AirMac 1 AirMac Extreme AirMac Extreme AirMac AirMac AirMac AirMac AirMac AirMac LAN Local Area Network AirMac

EarPods with Remote and Mic - Support - Apple
EarPods with Remote and Mic - Support - Apple
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EarPods with Remote and Mic Using Earpods with Remote and Mic Congratulations on purchasing the Apple EarPods with Remote and Mic. To use the Apple EarPods with Remote and Mic, plug them into a supported iPod, iPhone, or iPad and insert the earphones in your ears. Microphone Volume up Center button Volume down To see a list of the devices compatible with the Apple EarPods with Remote and Mic, go to: 2 English Important: Not all features listed below are supported...

Logic Studio Instruments - Support - Apple
Logic Studio Instruments - Support - Apple
27/11/2014 -
Logic Studio Instruments Copyright © 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement. The owner or authorized user of a valid copy of Logic Studio software may reproduce this publication for the purpose of learning to use such software. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, such as selling copies of this publication or for providing paid for support services. The Apple...

Xserve G5 Using Xserve Remote Diagnostics - Support
Xserve G5 Using Xserve Remote Diagnostics - Support
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Guida all'installazione e configurazione - Support - Apple
Guida all'installazione e configurazione - Support - Apple
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Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard Guida all installazione e conûgurazione Prima di installare Mac OS X, leggi questo documento. Esso contiene importanti informazioni sull installazione di Mac OS X. Requisiti di sistema Per e"ettuare l aggiornamento a Snow Leopard o installare Snow Leopard per la prima volta, devi disporre di un computer Mac dotato di:  Un processore Intel  Un unità DVD interna o esterna o Condivisione DVD o CD  Almeno 1 GB di RAM  Un monitor integrato o collegato a una...

AppleWorks 5 Installation Manual: for Windows 95 ... - Support
AppleWorks 5 Installation Manual: for Windows 95 ... - Support
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AppleWorks 5 Installation Manual Includes information about new features F O R W I N D O W S 9 5 / N T 4 . 0 K Apple Computer, Inc. © 1998 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement. The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Use of...

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Manuel de l'utilisateur de MainStage 3 - Apple
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MainStage 3 Manuel de l utilisateur Pour OS X KKApple Inc. Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. Tous droits réservés. Vos droits sur le logiciel sont régis par la licence d utilisation de logiciel qui l accompagne. Le propriétaire ou l utilisateur autorisé d une copie valide du logiciel MainStage peut reproduire cette publication à des fins d apprentissage de l utilisation du logiciel. Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ou transmise à des fins commerciales, comme...

iWeb Aan de slag - Apple
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SE2772TC2 SMEG ELITE Table de cuisson vitrocéramique, 77 cm, bord biseauté EAN13: 8017709138592 4 foyers High-Light dont : Avant gauche : foyer extensible 1100 / 2400 W - Ø 140 / 210 mm Arrière gauche : 1200 W - Ø 140 mm Arrière droite : foyer extensible 1400 / 2200 W - Ø 170 / 265 mm Avant droite : 1800 W - Ø 180 mm Touches sensitives Verre céramique noir Easy Clean Bord biseauté 9 niveaux de puissance 4 boosters 1 minuterie fin de cuisson séquentielle (foyer se coupe automatiquement)...

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FR TABLE DE CUISSON A GAZ ENCASTRABLE - CONSIGNES DE SECURITE IMPORTANTES Des messages importants de sécurité figurent dans ce manuel, ainsi que sur l'appareil. Nous vous invitons à les lire attentivement et à les respecter en toute circonstance. Ceci est le symbole d'avertissement relatif à la sécurité, qui met en garde les utilisateurs contre les risques potentiels que eux-mêmes ou d'autres personnes peuvent encourir. Tous les messages de sécurité sont précédés de ce symbole et...

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HBF01BLEU MIXEUR PLONGEANT, NOIR EAN 13 - 8017709264017 Corps en plastique vernis Poignee ergonomique et antiderapant Attache de cable fournie Pied en acier inox Lames en acier inox avec systeme Commande de vitesse rotative Bouton ON/OFF Fonction Turbo Poids net : 0,85 Kg Poids brut : 2,05 Kg Dimensions Mixeur Plongeant H x L x P : 414x65x65 mm Dimension boite HBF01 H x L x P : 480x120x130 mm Longueur du cable : 1,5 m Prise Schuko fournie Disponible dans les versions suivantes : HBF01CREU Creme EAN13...

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2011 Sustainability Report About This Report This is the fourth Sustainability Report issued by Samsung Electronics and is intended to communicate our sustainability efforts and performance to stakeholders. At Samsung Electronics, we firmly believe that we can deliver positive value by protecting the environment and improving the social conditions of the communities in which we operate while generating economic performance. Reporting Period This report covers the period from January 1 to December...

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