Getting started with Première utilisation Logitech® Keyboard Case

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Getting started with Première utilisation Logitech® Keyboard Case for iPad 2

Logitech® Keyboard Case

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Logitech® Keyboard Case

Charge the Keyboard Case
Plug the micro-USB cable into the micro-USB port on the Keyboard Case. Plug the other end of the cable into a powered USB port on a computer.

Paste(Command-V) Previous trackSkips to previous track on current playlist Play/PauseStarts or stops current playlist Next trackSkips to the next track on the current playlist MuteMutes iPad 2 audio Volume downDecreases iPad 2 volume Volume upIncreases iPad 2 volume Black screenMakes the iPad 2 screen go dark or restores the screen when pressed again International KeyboardToggles between international keyboards

Power on the Keyboard Case and pair with iPad 2
The Keyboard Case's Bluetooth keyboard should only need to pair to your iPad 2 once as follows: 1. On the Keyboard Case, slide the power switch on. The status light illuminates for four seconds, and then it turns off. 2. On the iPad 2, select Settings > General > Bluetooth > On. 3. Press the Connect button to make the Keyboard Case discoverable. The status light flashes on the Keyboard Case, and the iPad 2 displays "Logitech Keyboard Case" as an available device. 4. Select "Logitech Keyboard Case" on the iPad 2. The iPad 2 will display a code. 5. Type the code using the Keyboard Case and press Enter. The Keyboard Case is now paired to the iPad 2.

Lights and buttons
Charging light: turns on when charging and turns off when fully charged Status light: 1. Flashes when the battery is low (there's about a 20% charge and two to four days of use remaining) 2. Flashes when pairing 3. Lights briefly when you turn on the Keyboard Case, and then it turns off Charging light Status light

Position the iPad 2 on the Keyboard Case
Place the iPad 2 (either in portrait or landscape mode) into the central groove.

Bluetooth button Central groove

Special function keys
The Keyboard Case has special function keys to give you more control of your iPad 2. HomeDisplays the iPad 2 home screen SearchDisplays the iPad 2 search screen Slide-showPlays a slide-show of saved pictures Keyboard hide/showAllows you to hide or show iPad 2 on screen keyboard Cut(Command-X) Copy(Command-C)

Logitech® Keyboard Case

Storing the iPad 2 for travel
To store the iPad 2 1. Line up the 30-pin port connecter on the iPad 2 with the slot on the short end of the Keyboard Case. 2. Place the iPad 2, screen down, into the Keyboard Case. To separate the iPad 2 from the Keyboard Case 1. Place the iPad 2/Keyboard Case vertically on a non-slip surface. Refer to the drawing.

The Keyboard Case uses a long-life, rechargeable battery that gives you several weeks of normal use. The Keyboard Case goes into sleep mode if it's left on and not being used. Press any key and wait a second or two to bring the Keyboard Case out of sleep mode. The lithium-polymer battery in the Keyboard Case has no memory effect and may be charged whenever you wish. When not in use for a prolonged period, we recommended that you turn off the keyboard to lengthen the battery life.

Special features and options
Please note that the Keyboard Case is made from aircraft aluminum with a high-grade finish similar to the finish on many popular devices. Optional: A set of four rubber feet is included, which you can place on each corner of the Keyboard Case bottom to help prevent scratching high-grade finish of the Keyboard Case. For unparalleled scratch protection, we recommend ZAGG's invisibleSHIELD® or ZAGGskinsTM.

2. Place one hand on each side of the Keyboard Case, securing the Keyboard Case with one thumb and the iPad 2 with your other thumb.

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