Final Cut Pro 6: New Features (manual)

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New Features in Final Cut Pro 6
This is an overview of the new features in Final Cut Pro 6. For more information about these features and their use, see the Final Cut Pro 6 User Manual.

Open Format Timeline Feature
In Final Cut Pro 6, you can freely mix clips with different formats in a single sequence and play back the sequence in real time. This allows you to combine formats such as standard definition (SD) and high definition (HD) video, full-resolution and offline-quality video,
and video with mixed frame rates, field dominance, and scanning methods (interlaced and progressive).
Automatically Conforming a Sequence to Clip Settings
Final Cut Pro can automatically conform a sequence s settings to the settings of the first clip edited into the sequence. This allows you to make your sequence match your clips without ever opening the Sequence Settings window. The Auto conform sequence 
option in the Editing tab of the User Preferences window allows you to control how conforming is handled.
Automatically Scaling Clips to Fit a Sequence
When you mix video with different frame dimensions in a sequence, some video must necessarily be scaled to fit the dimensions of the sequence. Clips whose frame dimensions are larger than those of the sequence are always scaled to fit in the sequence, but you can choose how smaller clips are handled with the Always scale clips to sequence size  option in the Editing tab of the User Preferences window.


Master Templates
Master templates are Motion templates whose text and video elements you can customize directly in Final Cut Pro. For example, you can create dozens of animated lower third titles from a single master template. Each lower third title can have unique text and video elements while the animation and effects remain the same. You can immediately update the look of all your titles simply by changing the original Motion template file.
You can create your own master templates in Motion and then use the installed master templates in Final Cut Pro. Master templates are accessible from the following locations:
 Master Template Browser (choose Sequence > Add Master Template)
 Generator pop-up menu in the Viewer
 Effects menu
 Effects tab of the Browser
You can use the Master Template Browser to perform insert, overwrite, and superimpose edits directly to the Timeline, or you can drag master templates from the
Browser or Viewer just as you would with any other clip. As with generator clips, you can adjust master template parameters, such as text and video within a master template, in the Controls tab of the Viewer.

SmoothCam Filter
The new SmoothCam filter steadies handheld shots and stabilizes jitter in shots created with a dolly or jib arm. Using the SmoothCam filter is a two-step process:
 First, a clip s entire media file is analyzed to determine what kind of motion compensation is required. The new SmoothCam clip property and the Background
Processes window allow you to start and stop motion analysis of clips. Overlays in

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