Fiche produit Sony : 41/1237482298741.pdf

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Discover the HD difference

Discover the HD difference
The detail and enhancement provided by our HD technology might leave you speechless
HD is fast becoming the preferred choice for many Video Security installations, as the superior images provide a reassuring level of detail, regardless of the lighting conditions. But HD also offers big advantages over high resolution cameras when it comes to bandwidth and storage.
Seeing is believing The most powerful way to show what our HD technology is capable of is to let customers compare the quality of unenhanced images side by side with enhanced ones. The difference in detail and clarity across the whole image is striking. We've done a number of training courses on HD recently for our partners, so they are primed to convey all the benefits of HD to customers. But sometimes, images really do speak for themselves.

Sony Professional's new HD range of cameras can overcome the trickiest lighting conditions to provide breathtaking image enhancement.

Technology sets us apart from the competition Camera sensitivity, strong backlighting and the cost of storage and bandwidth are all essential considerations when creating a security solution for your customers. Sony Professional's new HD range of cameras can overcome the trickiest lighting conditions to provide breathtaking image enhancement. What's more, the range is wide enough to satisfy the demands of the site as well as the customer's budget. Here's how we do it. Visibility Enhancer Sensitivity in low light is vital for crime detection, and this is what Visibility Enhancer provides. This technology is a picture enhancement algorithm which remaps the image on a pixel by pixel basis. The image you get will take dark, shady areas and make them brighter. Those areas that are really bright will have the brightness turned down. The result is an image with brighter, more even exposure. This transforms dingy night-time scenes, and means no more dark areas.

Visibility Enhancer improves night-time images


XDNR This stands for eXcellent Dynamic Noise Reduction and is a unique technology to Sony, combining both 2D and 3D noise reduction algorithms. In real-time you can improve the picture quality and in turn reduce the amount of bandwidth you require by removing a substantial amount of noise from the image. Ideal where there is glare from illuminated signs and lighting sources.

XDNR reduces noise to provide a cleaner image

Using our new Exmor CMOS sensor we are able to take up to 120 pictures per second.

View-DR This, above all, is the strongest and most popular feature offered by Sony Professional's HD technology. Using our new Exmor CMOS sensor we are able to take up to 120 pictures per second. Four of these pictures are then combined and Visibility Enhancer is applied to give our HD cameras 130dB of wide dynamic range. It's a winning solution as it enables you to install cameras in locations with very strong backlighting conditions and produce crisp, clear images.

View-DR overcomes bright backlighting


Sensitivity and bandwidth ­ choose HD over megapixel There are two inherent problems with a high resolution camera. One is the amount of data they generate, and the second is the sensitivity dropoff. Most megapixel cameras encode the image as a JPEG image, so no compression is taking place. This large image size can cost the customer a lot of money for bandwidth and storage. The issues with sensitivity come from a number of factors. Typically the sensor has to be of a very good quality to take in as much light as possible. For the camera to then enhance the image it needs to have the processing ability to take an image at the resolution you've specified and process it in real-time to give you a bright and vibrant image. Megapixel cameras can struggle to achieve this.

CH140 with View-DR & Visibility Enhancer ­ only 4MB of data

For the camera to then enhance the image it needs to have the processing ability to take an image at the resolution you've specified and process it in real-time to give you a bright and vibrant image.


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