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A-CNJ-100-13 (1)

Screen Management System Controller
Operating Instructions
Before using the Screen Management Controller application, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference.

Software Version 1.30
© 2007 Sony Corporation

Program © 2007 / Documentation © 2007 Sony Corporation All rights reserved. This manual or the software described herein, in whole or in part, may not be reproduced, translated or reduced to any machine readable form without prior written approval from Sony Corporation. SONY CORPORATION PROVIDES NO WARRANTY WITH REGARD TO THIS MANUAL, THE SOFTWARE OR OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN AND HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH REGARD TO THIS MANUAL, THE SOFTWARE OR SUCH OTHER INFORMATION. IN NO EVENT SHALL SONY CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON TORT, CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS MANUAL, THE SOFTWARE OR OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN OR THE USE THEREOF. Sony Corporation reserves the right to make any modification to this manual or the information contained herein at any time without notice. The software described herein may also be governed by the terms of a separate user license agreement. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Adobe, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies or their respective makers.

Large XENON short-arc lamps are shipped inside special protective shields which will contain the envelope fragments if the lamp is dropped and explodes. The shield is removed once the lamp is installed in the lamp housing. When the lamp reaches the end of its useful life, the protective shield is put back on the lamp, and the spent lamp is then removed from the equipment and disposed of. Note: The risk of explosion increases as the lamp is used. For this reason, it is important to observe the manufacturer's recommended operating life limits. Refer to the handling and disposal instructions for the XENON ARC LAMPS which were provided by the manufacturer and included with the lamp. Ultraviolet Radiation All XENON short-arc lamps generate significant amounts of ultraviolet radiation while in operation. Xenon has strong spectral lines in the UV bands, and these readily pass through the fused quartz lamp envelope. Projector systems should always be operated with all covers closed even when testing the system and content security is not an issue.

SRX Controller The SRX Controller application exercises direct control over the projector via the projector's serial control port. Operations using the SRX Controller can be in conflict with operations using the Projectionist Terminal or the SMS Controller. The SRX Controller application should not be used at the same time the Projectionist Terminal or SMS Controller is in operation. Once changes using the SRX Controller are completed, RESTART the SMS Server to refresh the SMS Server stored data. Network Data Storage When the Network Data Storage system for the facility uses Microsoft Windows as the operating system, SAMBA may be used for connectivity between the SMS Server and the network storage computer. SAMBA is a suite of applications that provides seamless file sharing services to SMB/CIFS clients, i.e., to Microsoft Windows. If connectivity to the Network Data Storage is lost the following steps should be taken. · Verify the Network Data Storage system is working. · Remove and re-create the Network Storage locations. See Settings/Folders for more information. If you are unable to establish connectivity with the Network Data Storage system, execute a system Power OFF/ON. This will require Initializing CSS and reimporting any associated KDM.

The projection system uses HIGH PRESSURE XENON SHORT-ARC LAMPS as a light source. These lamps have a high internal pressure. Depending upon the lamp, the internal pressure can exceed 10 ATM or 147 PSI, even when not in operation. In addition, Xenon arc lamps can burst when not in operation causing serious injuries!.It is critical to follow the lamp manufacturer's safety instructions when handling Xenon arc lamps. Always wear eye/face and body protection when handling Xenon arc lamps.


Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Overview
Introduction...................................................................................... 1 SMS Controller...................................................................................... 1 Features ................................................................................................. 1 Tabs and Navigation........................................................................ 3 Function Tabs ........................................................................................ 3 Navigation Bar ...................................................................................... 4

Chapter 2 SMS Windows
Common Features - All Windows................................................. 17 Shows ............................................................................................. 19 Now Showing ...................................................................................... 19 CPL (Composition Playlist) ................................................................ 20 SPL (Show Playlist) ............................................................................ 22 Controls ............................................................................................... 23 Status.............................................................................................. 24 Projector .............................................................................................. 24 Lamp.................................................................................................... 25 Fan ....................................................................................................... 27 Temperature......................................................................................... 28 Media Block ........................................................................................ 29 Storage (Space).................................................................................... 30 Projector ......................................................................................... 31 Info ...................................................................................................... 31 Control................................................................................................. 31 Lamp/Lens........................................................................................... 34 Media Block.................................................................................... 37 Info ...................................................................................................... 37 Control................................................................................................. 38 AV Delay............................................................................................. 38 Audio Routing ..................................................................................... 39 Report .................................................................................................. 40 Content Management .................................................................... 41 Digital Cinema Package (DCP)........................................................... 41 KDM (Key Delivery Message) ........................................................... 43 Asset Report ........................................................................................ 45

Table of Contents


Show Management ........................................................................ 46 SPL (Show Playlist) ............................................................................ 46 Schedule .............................................................................................. 47 Import/Export ...................................................................................... 48 GPI Trigger.......................................................................................... 48 Settings........................................................................................... 50 Basic .................................................................................................... 50 Devices ................................................................................................ 52 Status Monitor ..................................................................................... 53 Folders ................................................................................................. 54 Disk Utility .......................................................................................... 55 GPIO.................................................................................................... 57 Controls ............................................................................................... 58 KDM (Key Delivery Message) ........................................................... 59 Audit Log ............................................................................................ 60 Users.................................................................................................... 62 Roles .................................................................................................... 64 Maintenance ...................................................................................66 Projector .............................................................................................. 66 Media Block - (Role restricted)........................................................... 68 SMS Server - (Role restricted) ............................................................ 69 Certificates........................................................................................... 70 CSS - (Role restricted) ........................................................................ 70 Emergency (Operations)...................................................................... 71 Logs ................................................................................................ 72 My Profile........................................................................................73

Chapter 3 SPL Management
Show Schedules ............................................................................75 Show Playlist....................................................................................... 75 Show Schedule - Daily ........................................................................ 75 Show Playlist Editor ...................................................................... 76 Editing a Show Playlist ................................................................. 77 Create New Show Playlist................................................................... 77 SPL Content Editing Commands ........................................................ 78 SPL Control Event Editing.................................................................. 85


Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Overview



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