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September 21, 2010

RE: SxS-1 Memory Card Firmware Upgrade for MXF Recording Compatibility

Dear Valued Sony Pro Media Customer: The purpose of this announcement is to inform you of a firmware upgrade for your SxS-1 Memory Card (MODEL: SBS-32G1). This `free of charge' upgrade is required to enable customers who use Sony solid state memory MXF compatible hardware (e.g. PMW-500 or PDBK-MK1) to record in the MXF mode using the older SxS-1 cards, model SBS-32G1.

NOTE: The newer SxS-1 cards, models SBS-32G1A/SBS-64G1A (coming October 2010), and all SxS PRO models, are MXF compatible and do not require this upgrade. XDCAM EX hardware (e.g. PMW- EX1, PMW-EX3, PMW-EX30, PMW-EX1R, PMW-350, PMW-320, and PXU-MS240), that does not support MXF recording, does not require this upgrade to use the older SxS-1 cards, model SBS-32G1.
This firmware upgrade also prevents from the potential `media error' message which was announced on August 24th. To upgrade your SBS-32G1, please first backup the content on your cards, then delete the content and send them, via UPS to the address below (please refer to the shipping instructions below) so we may upgrade the firmware on your cards. Your cards will be returned to you within approximately 4-5 business days.

IMPORTANT: Please note that this firmware upgrade operation erases already recorded data on SxS-1 memory cards; therefore please make sure that data back-up is made "before" the cards are sent to Sony. Sony shall not be responsible for any damage to, or loss of, recorded data.

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SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: Please send your card via UPS; the transportation cost will be charged directly to Sony. 1/ Connect on 2/ Go to the shipping section & select `Schedule a collection' 3/ Answer NO to the question `do you have shipping labels' 4/ Enter your address' details without entering any account number 5/ Payment information: · · · · · · · Select `Bill to the receiver or a third party' Select `Receiver' Receiver's UPS Account Number: Enter 7476w9 Receiver's Country: Select Belgium Receiver's Postal / Zip Code: Enter 1840 Select UPS Standard except if you are located in the UK or Greece Select UPS Express Saver if you are located in the UK or Greece

6/ Service and Package Information:

7/ Collection Date & Time: Enter S3200 MPE/Marc Vercammen 8/ In the field "Enter any special Instruction to the UPS Driver" enter the following information: Delivery Address: Sony Europe (Belgium) F.a.o. S3200 - Marc Vercammen Weversstraat 24 1840 Londerzeel Belgium 9/ Click on NEXT until the end.

Best regards, Kazutaka Hasegawa Professional Media Europe

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