Fiche produit Sony : 02/1237482198602.pdf

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Programmable Effector MPES-FX01 MPE-200
Multi Image Processor

Programmable Effector Software

Offering superior flexibility to live production operators and technical directors, the Programmable Effector (the combination of MPE-200 hardware and MPES-FX01 software) helps create advanced and striking visual effects in many different applications ­ sporting events, entertainment, news programs, house-of-worship productions, and more. To further inspire creativity and originality, Sony is proud to introduce new features to its MPES-FX01 software. With these software enhancements, the Programmable Effector delivers real-time rendering of 3D computer graphic (CG) images with up to four video inputs. Added to this, producers can apply striking visual effects. For example, they can link CG and live video, which then move freely together. With creative image transitions and mapping, they can also develop gripping, high-impact openings. This latest software also improves production workflow, saving time and cost particularly when producers want to modify visual effects in a studio control room or outside broadcast (OB) vehicle, using tools such as Autodesk Maya and 3ds Max.. With all these capabilities and more, the innovative Programmable Effector delivers the flexibility, operability, and performance required for a broad range of live production applications.

Key Features
Real time rendering of computer graphics (CG) and live video Highly impressive visual CG effects Up to four input video mappings onto the CG object Controllable from the MVS Switcher panel*: Effects Recall & Replay, Color Change, Viewpoint, Duration, Objects Position, Lighting (Max 6) Stereoscopic 3D Video CG rendering with tandem usage
* The MVS Switcher requires V10.0 software or later.

Texture mapping of Live video

Real Time CG rendering

Sample System Diagram

General Power requirements Current consumption Operating temperature Mass Dimensions (W x H x D) (excluding protrusion) CG Rendering Lighting Source Shading Support Material Support Parameter Texture Animation *1 Available in future. AC 100 V to 127 V, 200 V to 240 V, 50/60 Hz 100 V to 127 V: 4 A, 200 V to 240 V: 2 A 5°C to 40°C (41°F to 104°F) 11.5 kg (25 lb 6 oz) 440 × 88 × 490 mm (17 3/8 × 3 1/2 × 19 3/8 in) Up to 6 spot-lights Lambert, Phong Diffuse, Speculor, Emission, etc BMP, DDS, JPG, PNG, TIFF, MPEG *1, TGA *1 Linear interpolation, Bezier interpolation with linear conversion External connection ports NETWORK-1, -2 USB RS-232C IN 1 to 4 (HD-SDI input) RJ-45, 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T USB A (×2) D-sub 9-pin (male) (×1) Data transfer rate: 38.4 Kbps BNC (×4), 75 Signal format: SMPTE 292M standard Signaling rate: 1.5 Gbps Cable length: 100 m (approx. 328 ft.) (when using 5C-FB cable (Belden 1694 equivalent)) Video: 1080i/59.94, 1080i/50, 1080PsF/29.97, 1080PsF/23.98, 720p/59.94, 720p/50 BNC (×4), 75 Signaling rate: 1.5 Gbps Video: 1080i/59.94, 1080i/50, 1080PsF/29.97, 1080PsF/23.98, 720p/59.94, 720p/50 BNC (X1), 75 termination HD tri-level sync / SD black burst Operation Manual (1), Installation Manual (1), Notice Concerning Software (1) Windows Vista, 32 bits, English Version, Service Pack 2 Windows 7, 32 bits/64 bits, English Version Version 6 Update 22 1.6 GHz or higher 2 GB or more Intel or NVIDIA 500 MB or more free space 1280 × 800 pixels or 1280 × 1024 pixels One 1000BASE-T port for connecting the MPE-200 unit

OUT1 1 to 4 (HD-SDI output) REF IN Supplied accessories Systems Requirements Operating system Java CPU RAM Graphics chip Hard disk Display Network ports

Distributed by

©2011 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. "SONY", and "make.believe" are trademarks of Sony Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The MPE-200 is produced at Sony EMCS Corporation's Tokai Technology Center, which has received ISO14001, the Environmental Management System certification.


This product includes software designed for use with an MS Windows® operating system (OS). U.S. export control regulations may require an export license for export/re-export of the Windows OS (for details, contact Microsoft Corporation).

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