Expect more! - Logitech

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Expect more!

OEM product line - Spring 2006

Quality | Innovation | Leadership

UltraX!" Cordless Media!" Desktop
Create and manage digital content with ease
àO Integrated media dial for volume and play control
àO FastRFTM Cordless mouse with tilt, zoom, and Internet navigation.
àO 27 MHz RF desktop receiver with USB connector

Sleek, black & silver 27MHz cordless optical desktop
àO FastRFTM cordless optical mouse with rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
àO USB / PS2 Rapid charge base unit incorporates RF receiver
àO Secure encryption for safe data transmission

Internet Pro!" Keyboard Black

P/N 967568-xxxx / 5-Pack

P/N 967468-xxxx / 10-Pack
White cordless, optical desktop with silver hot-keys
àO Plug & Play hot-keys (no drivers required in XP®)
àO Instant access to Internet, e-mail and multi-media functions
àO RF Receiver with USB-only connector

P/N 967495-xxxx / 5-Pack
Cool, white & silver 27MHz cordless optical desktop
àO FastRFTM cordless optical mouse with rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
àO USB / PS2 Rapid charge base unit incorporates RF receiver
àO Secure encryption for safe data transmission

UltraX!" Media Keyboard

Cordless Internet Pro!" Desktop White

P/N 967461-xxxx / 10-Pack
Black cordless, optical desktop with silver hot-keys
àO Plug & Play hot-keys (no drivers required in XP®)
àO Instant access to Internet, e-mail and multi-media

Les promotions

Thank you! - E96.ru
Thank you! - E96.ru
05/12/2014 - www.logitech.com
Thank you! Merci! Danke! akujeme! ;03>40@8< 0A! Podzikowanie! O:CT! Quick-start guide Logitech® Bluetooth® Mouse M555b Bluetooth® Mouse M555b www.logitech.com 2 1 Checking for Bluetooth support. Be sure the Bluetooth wireless feature is both installed and enabled on your computer. Some PCs, for example, require that you set a switch to enable Bluetooth communication. Refer to your computer manufacturer s documentation for more information. If you discover...

Meetup Datasheet
Meetup Datasheet
25/09/2024 - www.logitech.com
SUPER-WIDE FIELD OF VIEW FOR SMALL SPACES. Logitech MeetUp Logitech ? MeetUp is a premier ConferenceCam designed for small conference rooms and huddle rooms. With a room capturing, super-wide 120? field of view, MeetUp makes every seat at the table clearly visible. A low-distortion Logitech-engineered lens, Ultra HD 4K optics, and three camera presets deliver remarkable video quality and further enhance face-to-face collaboration. MeetUp's integrated audio is optimized for huddle room acoustics...

Thank you!
Thank you!
16/02/2012 - www.logitech.com
Logitech® Marathon Mouse M705 1 Thank you! ¡Gracias! AA 1 2 Merci! Logitech® Marathon Mouse M705 Obrigado! Quick start guide Quick start guide Quick start guide Quick start guide Quick start guide Quick start guide 3 4 2 Install the mouse software (optional) USB ON English Install Logitech SetPoint for Windows or Logitech Control Center for Macintosh® to enjoy the Side-to-Side Scrolling and Application Switch features or to personalize your mouse settings. Depending on your operating...

Owner's Guide - Logitech
Owner's Guide - Logitech
05/12/2014 - www.logitech.com
Logitech® Owner s Guide Transporter!" Owner s Guide  Table of Contents About Transporter.............................................................................................. 2 Before You Begin............................................................................................... 3 . System Requirements.................................................................................... 3 Installing the SlimServer Software..........................................................................

Table 1: List of hazardous substances and ... - Logitech
Table 1: List of hazardous substances and ... - Logitech
05/12/2014 - www.logitech.com
Table 1: List of hazardous substances and elements that are banned or restricted by law, for which voluntary usage in manufacturing process and voluntary addition to products is totally restricted by Logitech. Material / Substance 1 2 3 4a 4b 5a 5b 6 7 8 9a 9b 9c Logitech Position Max. Threshold concentration Aliphatic CHCs (Chlorinated Hydrocarbons) Asbestos Azo compounds Total ban on voluntary usage Brominated Flame retardant: PBB Polybrominated Byphenyl (Polybromobiphenyl) Brominated...

Getting started with
Getting started with
16/02/2012 - www.logitech.com
Getting started with Logitech® Gamepad F310 1 2 Getting started with Logitech® Gamepad F310 mation infor rtant Impo On 1 10 9 3 7 8 2 USB 5 6 4 , and pliance , com Safety warran ty English Gamepad F310 features Control 1. Left button/ trigger 2. Right button/ trigger 3. D-pad 4. Two analog mini-sticks 5. Mode button XInput games Button is digital; trigger is analog Button is digital; trigger is analog 8-way D-pad DirectInput games Button and trigger are digital and programmable* Button...

Product Brochure Logitech Pen Web En Lila
Product Brochure Logitech Pen Web En Lila
20/09/2024 - www.logitech.com
LOGITECH PEN The USI-enabled Chromebook stylus that lets students learn their way DESIGNED FOR LEARNING Designed for students, with students and educators, Logitech Pen provides the control they need to work their way and collaborate in all new ways with their peers and teachers. The soft, non-slip grip fits hands of many sizes for maximum comfort, making it ideal for in-class work, homework, exams, and more. The active tip allows students to write, draw, take notes, sketch, annotate, markup, shade,...

Smart Power Management - Logitech
Smart Power Management - Logitech
05/12/2014 - www.logitech.com
Smart Power Management Executive Summary The proliferation of cordless devices is Smart power management offers cordless convenience without the frustrations associated with battery power. making consumers more dependent on battery power and creating a It s a wireless world. Reflecting a lifestyle that s highly mobile and fast paced, con- new type of energy crisis. sumers rely increasingly on devices that have cut the power cord: mobile phones, PDAs, Wi-Fi enabled laptops, and MP3 music...

Htc Csr Report 2012 Eng
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13/07/2024 - dl.htc.com
2012 HTC CSR REPORT Here's To Commitment HTC 2012 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2012 HTC CSR Highlight ONE and only international Smartphone brand enterprise 1 Taiwan's 2 5.4% of revenue invested in innovation and R&D 3 More than 5,300 employees hired in Taiwan. Named as one of the Top-10 constituents of the TWSE RA Taiwan Employment Creation 99 Index 100% recyclable packaging material 4 Uses 5 Headquarters building rated as 6 English learning resources for employees of 7 Handicapped...

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15/01/2018 - www.renault.fr
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16/03/2012 - www.archos.com
Communiqué de presse Igny le 11 décembre 2009 ARCHOS Résultat des votes de l'Assemblée Générale Ordinaire des actionnaires Les actionnaires de la société Archos (FR0000182479) réunis en Assemblée Générale Ordinaire, sur première convocation, le jeudi 10 décembre 2009, ont approuvé notamment les projets de résolutions tendant à la désignation de trois nouveaux administrateurs. Les candidats proposés par le Conseil d'Administration étaient les suivants : M. Bruno Gonnet, 39...

LCD TV 16/9
LCD TV 16/9
20/03/2012 - www.thomsontv.fr
LCD TV 16/9 40FR5234 40FR5234 Résolution: 1920 x 1080 Technologie d'amélioration d'image: Pure Image 2 - Intelligent 1080p Engine Luminosité: 500 cd/m2 Contraste dynamique: 50 000:1 Son: Stéréo Nicam: 2 x 8 w Tuner (décodeur): DVB-T, TNT (MPEG-4), TNT (MPEG-2), analogique Connectique numérique: 3 HDMI - CEC, 1 YPrPb Port USB multimédia (vidéo HD et SD, photo, musique) Péritel: 2 Entrée PC VGA: 1 Pied pivotant LCD TV 16/9 40FR5234 MARQUE Marque THOMSON 101 / 40 16 / 9 LCD 1920 x 1080...

conditions de l'offre - Epson France
conditions de l'offre - Epson France
25/11/2014 - www.epson.fr
DOCUMENT DE TRAVAIL 13 10 2014 Conditions générales  Offre de remboursement Sous réserve du respect des présentes conditions générales, les clients des produits Epson désignés ci-après pourront prétendre à une offre de remboursement différée sur l achat de ces produits auprès des revendeurs détaillants agréés Epson dont la liste est précisée ci-dessous. La promotion Achetez un projecteur Epson EH-TW5200 entre le 15 juillet 2014 et le 31 décembre 2014 et bénéficiez d une...

PDF Download - Samsung
PDF Download - Samsung
21/11/2014 - www.samsung.com
Global Network GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 129, Samsung-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Tel: 82-2-2255-0114 www.samsung.com/sec North America Samsung Electronics North America Headquarters 85 Challenger Road, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660, USA SEOCHO OFFICE Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Samsung Electronic Bldg., 11, Seocho-daero 74-gil, Seocho-gu, Samsung Electronics America Headquarters (Device Solutions) 3655 North First Street, San...