Exoscorvault Periferyswarm Solutionsbrief

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Solution Brief

Intelligent Storage for Exascale
Bring more data protection, durability,
and scalability to your petabytes with
Perifery and Seagate.

Challenge Summary
Organizations that rely on large amounts of unstructured data are consistently challenged by managing their rapidly growing inventory within constrained budgets. The quest for highly scalable,
cost-effective, easily accessible, and future-proof archive and data repository solutions with robust data protection is crucial to ensuring the enduring security and preservation of data. While public cloud services can aid remote work, the expenses tied to frequent data access can be erratic,
inefficient, and burdensome to oversee.
Storing petabyte or exabytes of digital assets in primary storage is often infeasible and/or unpredictable cost-wise and falls short of the required security standards.

Perifery Swarm combined with Seagate Exos® CORVAULT!"
self-healing block storage offers an excellent choice for active archiving, especially when dealing with sizable,
growing volumes of data. Complementing this solution is Seagate Lyve Cloud S3 storage, which offers zero API
or egress charges, making it truly easy to backup your data and scale as needed whether you're in enterprise IT,
high-performance computing, media and entertainment,
healthcare, government, or work as a cloud service provider.
This end-to-end solution supports outstanding performance for rapid data access and retrieval and removes the soaring,
unpredictable costs associated with primary, offline, and public cloud solutions. It also helps decrease ongoing IT costs by automating data management, simplifying scalability and availability, bolstering data security, and providing self-service capabilities.
Together, Perifery and Seagate empower customers to store,
move, and activate data at scale, all while maintaining full data protection, security, and control.

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