Exos X 2u12 DS1994 6 2102US En US

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Efficient. Agile. Scalable.

Exos X 2U12

Seagate® Exos !" X 2U12 delivers advanced data protection,
capacity, and performance at an entry-level cost.

Key Advantages
Maximize Capacity and Consistent High Performance. Leverage both speed and performance at a budget-friendly price. This system enables even the smallest business to get data to applications fast, with maximum throughput of up to 7GB/s.
Additionally, businesses can expand the system as data requirements grow, with up to 216TB of storage capacity1 in only a 2U rack mount.

Product Highlights
Save space but maximize capacity by expanding up to 120 drives
Deliver data fast with 7GB/s throughput in an all-HDD
Rebuild drives faster than ever and reduce downtime with Seagate
ADAPT data protection technology
Opt for replication and snapshot features to meet critical enterprise requirements

Deliver Versatile Architecture Built to Scale. Use this flexible solution for costconscious businesses that require high read and write throughput as well as more storage. Application access to data is virtually instantaneous, and purpose-built modularity makes it easy to set up, maintain, and expand via interchangeable FRUs and hot-swappable components.
Ensure Applications Have Access to Critical Data. Take advantage of features that enable extreme cost efficiency while also providing up to 99.999% data availability.
Parallel architecture, data replication, and fast streaming make access to data unfettered. In addition, exclusive Seagate ADAPT data protection technology supports fast and efficient drive rebuilds that virtually eliminate system downtime.
Reduce Cost and Resources. Meet stringent worldwide requirements for recycling and environmental friendliness with a nimble system that flexes as use cases evolve and capacity needs increase. It is perfectly suited for the SMB market due to high capacity and efficient management capabilities, and can help you minimize environmental impact and recognize cost savings through high performance.
Build In Security at the Foundation of the Data Life Cycle. Protect the most valuable business assets with Seagate Secure !" cybersecurity features and intelligent firmware
such as SFTP, SED support, and administrator access controls that provide builtin security measures for reliable and safe file access, transfer, and management.
1 Using Exos 18TB drives

3005 Controller Performance

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