Exos E 4u106 DS1980 11 2103US En US

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Efficient. Agile. Scalable.

Exos E 4U106

Seagate® Exos !" E 4U106 is the datasphere's largest building block delivering industry-first capacity and density without sacrificing data access speed.

Key Advantages
Build Exabyte-Scale Data Centers Fast. Increase the amount of data that fits in a 4U
rack by leveraging up to 106 of our high-capacity hard drives in a single enclosure that holds up to an unprecedented 1.9PB1 of business intelligence. With an overall maximum bandwidth of 36GB/s, you can access mission-critical and archival data with lightning speed.

Product Highlights
Scale your data center with this very high density storage platform
Minimize a data center's footprint and power consumption while maximizing storage space
Eliminate efficiency-draining acoustic interference with the proprietary noise attenuator
Maintain your data center easily with toolless drive carriers that save hours of time
Ensure data is constantly available with hot-swappable controllers,
PSUs, system fan modules, drives,
and expander cards

Deliver Versatile Architecture Built to Grow. This flexible enclosure includes support and capabilities to manage cables, universal ports, self-configuration controls,
and standardized zoning. As the largest building block of our modular systems 
which make all critical components interchangeable regardless of size or budget 
this platform sets the new standard for data center solutions with extremely high density and capacity, all with unparalleled reliability and performance.
Easy to Set Up, Maintain, and Expand. This system's user-focused design reduces support calls and minimizes system downtime. Its modularity makes it first-in-class for reliability, easy setup, maintenance, and expansion via hot-swappable expanders and dual data paths, as well as redundant I/O modules, fans, and power supplies.
Additionally, this system features toolless drive carriers that allow an administrator to snap drives into the 106 bays in seconds.
Reduce Cost and Resources With Energy-Efficient Features. This enclosure is suited for high data retention requirements that are expected to grow. Innovative drive placement maximizes airflow and minimizes power consumption, and unique performance, efficiency, and scalability features provide an unprecedented low TCO.

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