Exos 2x14 DS2015 3 2007US En US

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Scalable. Responsive. Innovative.

Exos 2X14

Seagate manufactures hard drives that specifically address the needs of the hyperscale storage market. As the highest-performing hard drive in the Seagate® X class, the Exos ® 2X14 enterprise dualactuator hard drive utilizes MACH.2!" technology enabling up to 2×
the performance of an enterprise single-actuator 3.5-inch hard drive.

Highest Performance for Highest Rack Space
MACH.2 technology enables up to 2× the performance of an enterprise singleactuator 3.5-inch hard drive 1

Best-Fit Applications
Hyperscale applications/cloud data centers
Massive scale-out data centers
Big data applications
Content delivery networks
Mainstream enterprise external storage arrays
Distributed file systems, including
Hadoop and Ceph
Enterprise backup and restore 
D2D, virtual tape
Centralized surveillance
High-bandwidth streaming applications

Highest 14TB hard drive performance, making it the logical choice for cloud data center and massive scale-out data center applications
14TB of capacity available as two independently addressable, 7TB logical units
PowerBalance !" feature optimizes IOPS/Watt
Helium sealed-drive design delivers lower total cost of ownership through lower power and weight
Next-generation helium side-sealed weld technology for added handling robustness and leak protection
Digital environmental sensors to monitor internal drive conditions for optimal operation and performance
Latest hermetic interconnect technology supporting higher data rate heads and higher pin counts for extreme thermal conditions
Proven enterprise-class reliability backed by 5-year limited warranty and 2.5M-hr
MTBF rating
1 When operating both actuators simultaneously

Hyperscale (4Kn)

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