English - LG Chem

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

LG Code of Ethics
We, at LG, share and believe in two key corporate principles - "Creating value for customers" and "Respecting human dignity." Based on these principles and in the spirit of our Management Charter, we strive to promote self-governing management and its accompanying responsibilities. It is our intention to uphold the principle of free market economy, which embodies the spirit of fair competition. We are committed to attaining our goal of becoming a global leader, and as such we will continuously pursue mutual benefits for our stakeholders on the basis of trust and cooperation. LG is committed to act uprightly and make value judgments in accordance to the code of ethics.
Chapter 1. Responsibilities and Obligations to Customers
We highly regard the opinions of our customers in the belief that they form the very basics of our business. We seek to secure unconditional trust from our customers by continuously providing them practical values.
1. Respect for Customers
We value the opinions of our customers and validate their real needs at all times.
Therefore we regard our customers as the primary standard for our decisions and conducts.
2. Creating Value
We work to create value for our customers for it is through customer satisfaction that we build the foundation of our prosperity. We continuously create practical values that fully benefit and satisfy our customers.
3. Providing Value
We are always truthful to our customers, and are bound to keep our promises. We offer top quality products and services to our customers at reasonable prices and respond to their requests with speed and accuracy.
Chapter 2. Fair Competition
Our global business activities conform to relevant laws and regulations of the host nations. At the same time, we employ only fair and just means in securing our competitive advantage in the global market.
1. Pursuit of Free Competition
We uphold the principle of the free market economic system. Therefore we pursue

free competition and earn our customers' trust through top quality products and services. We compete fairly and capably with our competitors, but do not intrude upon their interests, or exploit their weaknesses.
2. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We conduct our domestic and overseas business activities in strict accordance with local laws and regulations, and with respect for local business customs.
Chapter 3. Fair Transactions
All business transactions will occur based on the principles of fair competition with equal opportunities for all entities to participate. We build trust and cooperative relationships through fair and transparent transactions. Such relationships are built with a long-term perspective for mutual growth.
1. Equal Opportunity
We offer equal opportunities to all qualified companies seeking to become our business partners.
All applicants are registered and selected in a rational manner following a fair and objective evaluation process.
2. Fair Transaction Procedures

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