End User License Agreement - Navigon

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

End User License Agreement
(Navigon Fresh/Applications.11-14-13)
The download that you are making may contain an application, content, or both. If an application, the application, including its embedded software (collectively, the Application ) is owned by Garmin
Würzburg GmbH or its affiliates and sold under the brand Navigon (collectively, Navigon ). The map data that may be embedded in the Application or downloaded separately (the Map Data ) is either owned by Navigon, or by HERE North America LLC and/or its affiliates ( HERE ) or another a third party and licensed to Navigon. Navigon also owns, or licenses from third party providers, information, traffic data,
text, images, graphics, photographs, audio, video, images and other applications and data that may be embedded in the Application or downloaded separately ( Other Content ). The Map Data and Other
Content are collectively the Content . Both the Application and Content are protected under copyright laws and international copyright treaties. The Application and Content are licensed, not sold. The structure, organization and code of the Application are valuable trade secrets of Navigon and/or its thirdparty providers. The Application and Content are provided under this License Agreement and are subject to the following terms and conditions which are agreed to by End User ( you  or your ), on the one hand, and Navigon and its licensors and affiliated companies of Navigon and its licensors, on the other hand. If you are obtaining the Application from a third party application vendor (the Application
Vendor ), you acknowledge that Navigon, and not the Application Vendor, is responsible for the
Application. Navigon s licensors, including the licensors, service providers, channel partners, suppliers and affiliated companies of Navigon and its licensors, are each a direct and intended third party beneficiary of this Agreement and may enforce their rights directly against you in the event of your breach of this Agreement.
Certain Navigon Products contain OpenStreetMap data. Please see OpenStreetMap Terms and
Conditions  below for the terms and conditions applicable to such OpenStreetMap Data Products.

License Terms and Conditions
Navigon ( we  or us ) provides you with the Application and the embedded or accompanying Content,
including any online  or electronic documentation and printed materials, and grants you a limited, nonexclusive license to use the Application and Content in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
You agree to use the Application and Content for solely personal use, or if applicable, for use in your business  internal operations, and not for service bureau, time-sharing, resale or other similar purposes.
Accordingly, but subject to the restrictions set forth in the following paragraphs, you may copy the
Application and Content only as necessary for your use to (i) view it, and (ii) save it, provided that you do not remove any copyright notices that appear and do not modify the Application or Content in any way.
Your use of the Application must not violate any usage rules of the Application Vendor or any other third party service provider you use to enable the Application. You agree not to otherwise reproduce, copy,
archive, modify, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or create derivative works of any portion of the
Application and Content, and may not transfer or distribute it in any form, for any purpose, except to the extent permitted by mandatory laws. Navigon also reserves the right to discontinue offering any Content supplied by any third party supplier if such supplier ceases to supply such content or Navigon s contract with such supplier terminates for any reason.

Support. If purchased your Application from a third party application vendor and you need operational or technical support and assistance regarding the installation, un-installation, use or operation of the
Application, or if you have questions, complaints or claims regarding the Application, contact Navigon at: mobileapplications.support@garmin.com.

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