En US BL4T00 ENERGYLABEL1 BL4T00 En US20230113 135746 392

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


43 GHU 7800 B BL4T00


55 kWh/1000h

58 kWh /1000h
3840 px



2160 px




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RANGES LST5651 ELECTRIC RANGE LST5651 Cooking Performance " 5.6 cu.ft. Capacity " 4 Cooktop Elements Style and Design " Elegant Blue Interior " WideView!" Window " Available in Premium Stainless Steel Finish Convenience Features " " " " " " White Stainless Steel IntuiTouch!" Control System Auto Recipe Conversion Self-Cleaning 2 Full-Width Racks with 7 Rack Positions GoCook !" Smart Oven Light Storage Drawer ELECTRIC RANGE LG Design This range is comprised with an abundance of stainless...

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