ECM-VG1 Electret Condenser Microphone (1.3 MB) - Sony

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Electret Condenser Microphone

Extremely Lightweight, Equipped with a Newly Developed Windscreen Making It
Ideal for Field Sound Shooting with Compact Camcorders or Boom Poles
Outstanding Sound Quality
The ECM-VG1 is specifically designed for professional field and studio production applications at an affordable price. It offers a flat-and-wide frequency response (40 Hz to 20 kHz), excellent sensitivity of -33 dB (0 dB=1 V/Pa), and a low inherent noise level of less than 18 dB SPL. It delivers exceptionally smooth and natural sound reproduction.

Compact and Extremely Lightweight Design with Metal Body
Designed as an extremely lightweight shotgun microphone, the ECM-VG1
maintains good balance even when mounted on compact camcorders.
" Weight: 66 g (2.3 oz), 92 g (3.2 oz) with windscreen
" Length: 210 mm (8 3/8 inches), 230 mm (9 1/8 inches) with windscreen
Built-in Low-cut Filter
The built-in two-position (M, V) low-cut switch provides a simple method of reducing the effects of unwanted ambient noise.
External DC (40 to 52 V) Operation
The ECM-VG1 provides an electronically balanced output operation on
48 V standard external power.

Mounted on professional camcorders

Newly Developed Windscreen
The ECM-VG1 comes with a newly developed windscreen.
An internal frame fixes the windscreen rigidly,
making a space between the microphone and the outside part of the windscreen. It suppresses strong wind noise and protects the ECM-VG1 from the contact noise that is typical in harsh operational environments such as outdoor applications.
Internal structure of the Windscreen


Attached to a boom pole


Supplied Accessories

Capsule type

Electret condenser microphone


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