Dp 500 E

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

m Newly developed high-rigidity, high-precision CD drive m MDS++
type D/A converter m Jitter-free high-performance digital demodulator m Direct Balanced Filter with separate analog low-pass filtering for balanced and unbalanced signal paths m Two sets of digital inputs m Two sets of transport outputs m Fully digital control of CD mechanism

Dedicated high-end CD player for ultimate musical fidelity  New high-rigidity, high-precision drive mechanism optimized for
CD reproduction. Processor section features MDS ++ type D/A
converter with four parallel DACs. Independent construction of transport section and digital processor. One set each of coaxial and optical connectors for digital input and transport output.

The Compact Disc format with its 20-year history offers an unsurpassed wealth of

MDS++ D/A converter

musical treasures. Audiophiles the world over therefore covet the Accuphase lineup of high-end dedicated CD players. As the latest entry in this category, the DP-500 features a CD drive mechanism for the first time developed in house, of course with our famous dedication to quality and attention to detail. Combine this with the latest digital signal processing technology, and the result is a breathtaking CD player that will make you rediscover the joys of music.
The CD mechanism in the DP-500 was developed with a simple yet demanding aim:
extract the information encoded on the CD one-hundred percent. Using all of its accumulated know-how and expertise, Accuphase has created an extremely rigid and ultra precise transport mechanism that attains new levels of performance.
The processor section employs four strictly selected high-performance delta-sigma devices operating in parallel, forming a further refined MDS++ D/A
conversion system. The analog filter, which has a significant influence on sound quality, is a so-called Direct Balanced Filter  that provides totally separate analog low-pass filtering (5-pole Butterworth) for the balanced and unbalanced signal paths. This brings out the full musical potential of

Coaxial input indication

the CD. The outstanding sound and high performance of the D/A converter section can be accessed also by external equipment. A set of optical and coaxial digital inputs accepts digital signals from other components, for
Optical input indication

processing with the highest musical accuracy.

Focus Coil
Tracking Coil

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