Download the Lync Overview Brochure - Logitech

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Maximize your Microsoft® Lync!"
Investment with Logitech
Business HD Webcams and Headsets

By providing reliable, high-deûnition video conferencing for Microsoft® Lync!",
Logitech Business HD webcams and headsets can help your business maximize its Lync investment.
1. Improve Communication
See and hear your business clients, partners and colleagues clearer than ever thanks to HD webcams featuring
HD 720p video resolution and business-grade headsets with super wideband audio. A more reliable, more life-like alternative to embedded and other non-embedded solutions.

2. Enhance Productivity
Streamline decision making and help make your company a better place for employees to work using easy-to-deploy,
easy-to-install and easy-to-use Lync-optimized webcam and headset solutions.

3. Reduce Costs
Help ease the strain on your budgets by alleviating the expenses and hassles of travel, as well as IT and facility costs.

Improve Communication

Enhance Productivity

Improve Collaboration

Enhance Flex-Work Options

clear HD 720p and super wideband audio almost as if you are in the same room

help increase employee satisfaction,
productivity and efficiency through deploying reliable HD webcams and headsets

wide-angle ûeld of view on all
Logitech HD webcams

for remote working and help reduce turnover and hiring costs

Improve Video Conferencing Quality

Enhance Decision-Making deûnition much higher quality compared to embedded PC
webcams even make your best pitch thanks to

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