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Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Annual Report 2000

a strategy for leadership in the digital convergence revolution

Contents [3] Foreword [4] Financial Highlights [8] CEO s Message [12] 2000 Highlights [13] Business Portfolios
[16] Home Networks [22] Mobile Networks [28] Office Networks [34] Core Components [40] Vision in Action
[44] Sports Sponsorship [46] Community Service [47] Financial Report [88] Board of Directors [90] Global Network

At the start of our 30th anniversary year in November 1999, we dedicated ourselves to being at the forefront of the digital convergence revolution. Now in our 31st, we re working hard to turn that ambitious commitment into reality through an initiative we call our strategy.
The digital  part of this strategy focuses on enhancing the value chain by realigning our operations into four major business portfolios home networks, mobile networks, office networks, and core components. The  E  or electronic  part aims to create a solid support framework for these portfolios by optimizing the supply chain to make our operations as efficient and timely as possible.
So, where do we expect this strategy to take us? All the way to the top in the very, very near future.
And everyone s invited to join us!


The year 2000 presented Samsung Electronics with a host of external challenges. But even record-high oil prices, plummeting memory prices,
and faltering technology sector stocks couldn t stop us from once again recording our best financial performance ever.

During the year, sales climbed over 31%, gross profit jumped over 45%,
operating profit soared to 66%, and net income skyrocketed to 90%.
While these impressive figures clearly show solid quantitative growth,
they also show outstanding qualitative growth, providing unequivocal proof that our ongoing efforts to deliver greater value to our customers,
partners, and shareholders have given us a solid, efficient, and profitable financial structure that s second to none.

Operating Profit







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