Download - Play Nintendo

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Kids, please ask a reasonably crafty adult for help!
1. Click the Download button,
then print the stencils.
2. Make a lid on a pumpkin,
and then gut it. We won t get into the squishy details. It s either gross or awesome, depending on your temperament.
3. Cut out the black sections of the stencil. An adult should do that with something sharp. Don t scratch up the kitchen table, please.
4. Hold or tape the stencil against the pumpkin, then use a marker or pencil to draw the cut-out shapes
on the pumpkin.
5. Have an adult use a small knife or carving tool to cut out the shapes.
6. Illuminate the inside of your jack-o-lantern with something luminous.
Those glow stick things are probably the safest way to do it. A candle is the traditional method get an adult to light the candle and place the pumpkin in a safe location, etc.
7. Whoa! Did you actually do all of that?
Sweet jack-o-lantern!


Kids, please ask a reasonably crafty adult for help!
1. Click the Download button,
then print the stencils.
2. Make a lid on a pumpkin,
and then gut it. We won t get into the squishy details. It s either gross or awesome, depending on your temperament.

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