Compressor or Qmaster Batch Monitor User Manual - Apple

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UP01079BMH Page 1 Monday, March 14, 2005 5:30 PM

Batch Monitor User Manual
You can use the Batch Monitor to view or adjust the status of batches and jobs processed by Compressor or
Apple Qmaster. You can also use the Batch Monitor to view detailed history for recently completed batches and jobs.
You use the Batch Monitor to monitor the transcoding progress of batches and jobs.
You can stop, resume, or delete any submitted job or batch up to the point at which the transcoding is complete.
Just as Printer Setup Utility allows you to view print jobs submitted to a printer, the
Batch Monitor lets you view the status of batches submitted for processing. For example, the Batch Monitor displays each batch s name, details of where it originated,
the percentage of completion, and the estimated time before completion. Batches not yet running appear as pending.
This document covers the following:
 About the Batch Monitor (p. 2)
 Viewing or Changing the Status of a Submitted Batch (p. 3)
 Batch Monitor Controls and Displays (p. 4)
 Batch Monitor and Distributed Processing (p. 7)
 Setting Batch Monitor Preferences (p. 9)


UP01079BMH Page 2 Monday, March 14, 2005 5:30 PM

About the Batch Monitor
The Batch Monitor contains the following items:

Status table

History table

 Stop button: Puts the selected batch or job on hold. To restart transcoding of the batch or job, select it and click the Resume button.
 Resume button: Restarts transcoding of a batch or job after it has been stopped.
 Delete button: Removes the selected batch from the Status table.
 Info button: Opens the Status Information window, which gives detailed information on either a batch or job currently being transcoded or a completed batch or job listed in the History table.
 Update button: Updates information shown in the Batch Monitor.
 Status table: Lists details of batches and jobs currently being transcoded. You can use
Batch Monitor Preferences to determine which headings appear. You can also drag the headings to change their order. Setting Batch Monitor Preferences  on page 9
for details on choosing the headings and information on what each heading shows.
 History table: Lists (for 24 hours) details of batches and jobs that have been transcoded or have encountered some sort of error or cancellation. The History table contains the following headings:
 Batch Name: Name given to the batch when it was submitted.
 Submission Time: Date and time the batch was submitted.

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