Charging et ConneCting to a Computer DiSConneCting the arChoS ...

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

eMusic, Podcasts
As we are often updating and improving our products, your device's software may have a slightly different appearance or modified functionality than presented in this User Guide.

Charging & ConneCting to a Computer

putting muSiC anD photoS onto your arChoS
You can transfer your media files to the ARCHOS either by copy/pasting them into the respective folders using Windows® Explorer (or the Finder on a Macintosh), or by using Windows Media® Player. The Synchronize button in Windows Media® Player is a one way `sync' button. It will add music and photo files to your ARCHOS. It will give you the possibility to have the same digital media on your ARCHOS as you have in your Windows Media® Player library.

RegisteR youR pRoduct!
Once you unpack your ARCHOS product, we recommend that you take a few minutes to register it. This will allow you to get access to our technical support. on our Website: See the Frequently Asked Questions section on technical Support team: Visit for e-mail support. U.S. & Canada: Call 877-300-8879
Europe: please register your product before contacting Technical Support.

Function Icons Control Icons Scroll wheel (When in a long list)
Computer turned on

To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. Use of this product is for personal use only. Copying CDs or loading music, video, or picture files for sale or other business purposes is or may be a violation of copyright law. Copyrighted materials, works of art, and/or presentations may require authorization to be fully or partially recorded. Please be aware of all such applicable laws concerning the recording and use of such for your country and jurisdiction. For driving safety, only a passenger should operate the device when the car is in motion and not the driver. Laws governing the usage of electronic device by the driver may be applicable in your jurisdiction and/or country.

Back/escape Headphones On/Off
(Hold for 3 seconds to turn on)

LegaL and safety infoRmation

USB computer Interface Lock

Charging: Whenever your ARCHOS is connected to a running computer, it will charge automatically (even if you unmount it with the safe removal icon -- see below). You can also purchase a standard wall-to-USB charger to charge the device

Copy/paste with Windows® Explorer

Synchronize with Windows Media® Player 11

Warranty and Limited Liability

This product is sold with a limited warranty and specific remedies are available to the original purchaser in the event the product fails to conform to the limited warranty. Manufacturer's liability may be further limited in accordance with its sales contract. In general, and in an non-limited manner, the manufacturer shall not be responsible for product damages caused by natural disasters, fire, static discharge, misuse, abuse, neglect, improper handling or installation, unauthorized repair, alteration or accident. In no event shall the manufacturer be liable for loss of data stored on disk media.

Connecting: When you connect the USB cable to your computer, the ARCHOS will connect as an external hard drive. Windows® Explorer will show it as ARCHOS 3 (E:) for example. For Macintosh computers, it will also appear as an external hard drive.

To change the language of your device, press on the third control icon , and then select Language, and then the desired language. Press on the Back/escape button to return.

On your computer, start Windows Media® Player. 1) Select the Sync tab. 2) Drag the media files you want to transfer into the sync area in the panel on the right. 3) Click on the Start Sync button. The selected songs or photos will be copied directly into the corresponding Music or Pictures folder of the ARCHOS. See your Windows Media® Player help instructions for more information. To receive and play podcasts, you can use freely available software from the Internet such as the popular Juice program to get your podcasts and then you can transfer them to your ARCHOS.

ARCHOS licensor(s) makes no warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, regarding the licensed materials. ARCHOS' licensor(s) does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the licensed materials in terms of its correctness, accuracy, reliability, correctness or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the licensed materials is assumed by you. The exclusion of implied warranties is not permitted by some jurisdictions. The above exclusion may not apply to you. In no event will ARCHOS' licensor(s), and their directors, officers, employees or agents (collectively ARCHOS' licensor) be liable to you for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, and the like) arising out of the use of inability to use the licensed materials even if ARCHOS' licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some jurisdiction do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitations may not apply to you. Please see your sales contract for a complete statement of warranty rights, remedies and limitation of liability. Furthermore, warranty does not apply to: 1. Damages or problems resulting from misuse, abuse, accident, alteration or incorrect electrical current or voltage 2. Any product tampered-with or damaged warranty seal or serial number label. 3. Any product without a warranty or serial number label. 4. Batteries and any consumable items delivered with or in the equipment. The end user is required to use this product only in conformity with its original purpose and is strictly forbidden to make any technical modifications that could potentially impinge on the rights of third parties. Any modification to the hardware, software, or physical enclosure of the product must be approved in writing by ARCHOS. Non approved modified products are subject to the withdrawal of any or all guaranty clauses. As part of the contractual agreement of its products, ARCHOS is committed to ensure the availability of parts and components that are essential to the use and proper working conditions of its products. This availability will be guaranteed for a period of two years, as of the first retail release for customers.

DiSConneCting the arChoS From a Computer
Once all your file transfers are finished, close Windows® Explorer and any other program that may have read or written to the ARCHOS. Click on the `safely remove' icon in the system tray, next to the clock. Before removing the cable, you will notice the state of the battery charge. If the icon has three solid bars, this means the battery is completely charged. If they are blinking, it means the battery is still charging. You can leave the device to fully charge or unplug the cable and use the ARCHOS with a partial charge.
Close Safely Remove

muSiC pLayBaCk

Les promotions

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FRANÇAIS |5 MANUEL D'UTILISATION Version 2.0 Pour télécharger la dernière version de ce manuel, rendez-vous sur Cher client, Merci d'avoir choisi ce produit ARCHOS. Nous espérons que vous aurez plaisir à l'utiliser et qu'il vous donnera satisfaction pendant de nombreuses années. Ce véritable ordinateur multimédia miniaturisé, sous AndroidTM, vous permettra d'installer une multitude d'applications, de lire vos documents bureautiques et PDF, de profiter pleinement...

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fRANçAIS MANUEL D'UTILISATION 404 Version 2.0 Rendez-vous sur pour télécharger la dernière version de ce manuel. Cher Client, Merci d'avoir choisi ce produit ArchosTM. Nous espérons que vous aurez plaisir à l'utiliser et qu'il vous donnera pleinement satisfaction pendant de nombreuses années. N'hésitez pas à enregistrer ce produit sur notre site web ( register), vous pourrez ainsi avoir accès à notre aide téléphonique et être informé des...

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