Building solutions - Samsung

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Building solutions

one display at a time.

460UTn Video Wall

Professional LCD and Plasma Displays

Deliver your message with maximum impact, no matter where you re delivering it. Samsung professional displays offer a solution for every situation. Whether you want to reach people in a hotel lobby or in a packed arena, whether it s in a quiet restaurant or on a busy street corner, Samsung displays are engineered for maximum impact in every situation. We pour billions of dollars into
R&D each year, creating innovative technologies that deliver incomparable images, easy-to-use features, economical solutions and critical reliability. They re professional communication displays that will deliver your message. No matter where, no matter what.

Easier, Larger, More Natural
LCD Video Walls
There s nothing like a video wall for high-impact visual communication. With multiple monitors communicating your message, you re not limited to a single screen. And with Samsung interlocking kits, you can build freestanding video walls in non-standard formats, creating even more impact for your message.

Natural Mode
Samsung video walls let you display in either Full or Natural mode.
Full mode displays the entire picture, just as it is. Natural mode compensates for the bezel width, and displays a natural, distortion-free image over the entire video wall.
Full Mode

Natural Mode

Easy Interlocking Technology
The ease with which you can set up a video wall will impress you nearly as much as the picture quality. With Samsung s ingenious
Interlocking Display ID Kits, you can create freestanding video walls of up to four displays high on each stand, with no additional support. It s about as easy as stacking blocks. Even multi-sided displays can be set up in under 30 minutes.
And no matter how you configure your video wall, MagicInfo!"
Pro-Extension software autosenses the shape and structure, and makes controlling video walls of up to 25 displays through your network a simple drag-and-drop process.
Interlocking connectors sold separately. MID40 compatible only with 40" 400UXnM and 400UXn-UD. MID46 compatible only with 46" 460UXn-M and 460UXn-UD.
MID46-2 compatible only with 46" 460UT, 460UTn and 460UTn-UD.

Video Walls that Curve
The Samsung MID46-2 ID Kit allows simple installation of UT(n)
and UTn-UD display video walls,
and allows UT(n) and UTn-UD video

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