Bluetooth FAQ - Logitech

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

0S0n0É0­0å0á0ó0È0oBluetooth®Qh‚,00J0ˆ0sBluetooth®0Æ0¯0Î0í0¸0ü0’d- 0W0_Logicool®ˆýTÁ0k•¢

diNovo Mini!"
MX 5500 Revolution
Pure-Fi Mobile!"
Cordless MediaBoard Pro!"
Cordless Logicool® Vantage!" Headset

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1.1 Bluetooth0h0oÿ .................................................................................................................2
1.2 Bluetooth SIG 0h0oÿ.......................................................................................................3
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1.5 EDR Bluetooth 2.0 0nO^¦0oÿ ...................................................................................4
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2.6 MX 5500 Revolution0kT h±0U0Œ0f0D0‹0n0o0i0n0í0¸0¯0ü0ë0Þ0¦0¹0g0Y0Kÿ ....................9

1. Bluetooth0k0d0D0fwå0c0f0J0O0y0M0S0h

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