AppleWorks 6 for Windows: Installing

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AppleWorks 6



Installing AppleWorks 6
This booklet provides instructions for m installing and uninstalling AppleWorks m setting up an AppleWorks Installer on a server, so that users can install AppleWorks over the network m installing AppleWorks on a server, so that multiple users can use the same copy over the network
These instructions assume that you re familiar with standard mouse techniques such as clicking and dragging. If you need more information about mouse techniques, working with disks, or making copies of documents and disks, see the documentation that came with your computer.


What You Need
To install AppleWorks, you need m the CD-ROM disc in the AppleWorks 6 package m any IBM-PC or equivalent computer with at least 32 megabytes (MB) of memory and an
Intel Pentium processor m a CD-ROM drive m Microsoft Windows 95, 98, or Me!" U.S.-English system software m QuickTime 4.1.2 and Internet Explorer 5.5 installed on your computer
To access additional templates and clip art, you need a connection to the Internet.
Important You cannot open AppleWorks from the CD. To use AppleWorks, you must install it or use a copy installed on a network server, as described in this booklet.


Before You Install
Before you begin installation, register your new software and turn off virus protection.
Registering Your Software

Please register your copy of AppleWorks at the following Web site:
Or complete and mail the product registration card included in your package.
Turning Off Virus Protection

Some virus-protection programs may conûict with the AppleWorks Installer. Before you install
AppleWorks, turn off virus-protection programs. See the documentation that came with your virus-protection software for more information.

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