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AKZM 654


This manual and the appliance itself provide important safety warnings, to be read and observed at all times.
This is the danger symbol, pertaining to safety, which alerts users to potential risks to themselves and others.
All safety warnings are preceded by the danger symbol and the following terms:

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will cause serious injury.


Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could cause serious injury.

All safety warnings give specific details of the potential risk present and indicate how to reduce risk of injury, damage and electric shock resulting from improper use of the appliance. Carefully observe the following instructions:
- The appliance must be disconnected from the power supply before carrying out any installation work.
- Installation and maintenance must be carried out by a qualified technician, in compliance with the manufacturer s instructions and local safety regulations. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specifically stated in the user manual.
- Power cable replacement must be carried out by a qualified electrician. Contact an authorized service centre.
- Regulations require that the appliance is earthed.
- The power cable must be long enough for connecting the appliance, once fitted in its housing, to the main power supply.
- For installation to comply with current safety regulations, an allpole disconnect switch with minimum contact gap of 3 mm must be utilized.
- Do not use multiple plug adaptors if the oven is fitted with a plug.
- Do not use extension leads.
- Do not pull the power supply cable.
- The electrical components must not be accessible to the user after installation.
- If the surface of the induction plate is cracked, do not use it and switch off the appliance to avoid the possibility of electric shock
(only for models with induction function).
- Do not touch the appliance with any wet part of the body and do not operate it when barefoot.

- This appliance is designed solely for use as a domestic appliance for cooking food. No other type of use is permitted (e.g.: heating rooms). The Manufacturer declines all responsibility for

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