4AA6 1168ENW

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Technical brief

The world's most secure printers


HP Wolf Enterprise Security embedded print security features
Only HP Enterprise devices have these self- healing embedded security features. With the investment protection that HP FutureSmart4 firmware provides, you can add new features to many existing HP Enterprise printer models.1

Protect, detect, and recover
HP printers have the industry's strongest security1, with five key technologies that are always on guard, continually detecting and stopping threats while adapting to new ones. Only HP Enterprise printers automatically self-heal from attacks by triggering a reboot 
IT doesn't need to intervene.

HP Sure Start checks the BIOS
The first step of the startup lifecycle is to load the BIOS, which performs hardware initialization during the boot process. It is essential that this code is protected since it is the Root of Trust.  All other device-hardening measures depend on a safe and secure BIOS. Any malware in this layer would not be detectable by other layers. HP's innovative Sure Start technology validates the integrity of the BIOS code and provides a self-healing capability if the BIOS becomes compromised. HP uses hardware to isolate and protect the Golden Copy  of the BIOS which prevents access during normal run-time execution on the device. The BIOS is hashed and signed with a cryptographic signature, which is verified during boot. The device can revert to the BIOS Golden Copy  in the event that the BIOS becomes compromised. Boot time is an opportunity for attackers to load a rootkit,
enabling cybercriminals to control and infect anything that loads after the BIOS. Sure Start protects against BIOS rootkits like LoJax.

Whitelisting checks for authentic firmware, digitally signed by HP
The second step in the startup lifecycle is to ensure that the device only loads HP-authentic code. HP provides a dynamic Whitelisting technology that ensures only authentic, untampered, executable code can run on HP printers. To clarify the terminology, a blacklist is used by antivirus scanners today, which rely on identifying fingerprints of known malware. However, the problem with a blacklist is that it typically takes about four days or more to isolate a new virus after a zero-day attack and publish an anti-virus update that needs to be downloaded by the system.
Embedded devices, such as printers, being a closed system, have the luxury of knowing the code that should be loaded and can restrict execution to only known good files' on a system. HP supports this whitelist feature by loading only known software into memory and calculating the hash of this code that is compared against the known good  signed hash value to verify its integrity.

HP Security Manager2
The third step, after a reboot occurs, HP Security Manager automatically assesses and, if necessary, remediates device security settings to comply with pre-established company policies. Administrators can be notified of security events via Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
tools such as ArcSight, McAfee, Splunk, IBM QRadar, and SIEMonster.

HP Memory ShieldTM 3 Runtime Intrusion Detection monitors the memory of the Kernel OS
The fourth step provides a series of functions. HP Memory Shield'sTM Runtime Intrusion Detection is one of the most effective ways to protect against unknown or new attacks (zero-day attacks) since it looks for behavioral anomalies in memory. Runtime Intrusion Detection is built into the hardware which has the benefit of making it more difficult to circumvent the detection capability than firmware-based solutions.

HP Memory ShieldTM Control Flow Integrity monitors the execution flow of the firmware
HP Memory ShieldTM Control Flow Integrity (CFI) provides a deterministic way to identify when potential malware is being injected into a vulnerable interface. HP's Memory ShieldTM CFI locks down each device according to its factory image, preventing the execution of any calls or operations that are not manufacturer-defined. It does not need to rely on malware signatures to block both current and future malware.

HP Connection Inspector inspects network connections

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