43 vision

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

43 vision
Widgets Main Functions Video output





Once you unpack your ARCHOS product, we recommend that you take a few minutes to register it. This will allow you to get access to our technical support. On our Website: See the Frequently Asked Questions section on www.archos.com/faq Technical Support Team: Visit www.archos.com/support for e-mail support. U.S. & Canada: Call 877-300-8879
Europe: please register your product before contacting Technical Support.

use of such for your country and jurisdiction. For driving safety, only a passenger should operate the device when the car is in motion and not the

(with optional video cable for purchase)

USB computer Interface

Warranty and Limited Liability to the limited warranty. Manufacturer's liability may be further limited in accordance with its sales contract. In general, and in an non-limited man-

Headphones Charging: Whenever your ARCHOS is connected to a running computer, it will charge automatiTo change the language of your device, select Settings and then scroll down to Language, and (lower left) to return to the home screen. cally (even if you unmount it with the safe removal icon). Alternatively, a wall-pluggable USB charger can be purchased from the ARCHOS store at www.archos.com.

Copy/paste with Windows® Explorer

Synchronize with Windows Media® Player 11
for a particular purpose, regarding the licensed materials. ARCHOS' licensor(s) does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the licensed materials in terms of its correctness, accuracy, reliability, correctness or otherwise. The entire risk as -

Connecting: When you connect the USB cable to your computer, the ARCHOS will connect as
® ARCHOS (E:) -

Sync you want to transfer into the sync area in the panel on the right. 3) Click on the Start Sync button. The selected videos, songs or photos will be copied directly into the corresponding Video, Music or Pictures mation. To receive and play podcasts, you can use freely available software from the Internet such as the popular Juice program to get your podcasts and then you can transfer them to your ARCHOS.

and the like) arising out of the use of inability to use the licensed materials even if ARCHOS' licensor has been advised of the possibility of such Furthermore, warranty does not apply to: 2. 3. Any product tampered-with or damaged warranty seal or serial number label. Any product without a warranty or serial number label. Batteries and any consumable items delivered with or in the equipment. -

and any other program that may have read or written to the ARCHOS. Click on the `safely remove' icon in the system tray, If the icon has solid bars, this means the battery is completely charged. If they are blinking, it means the battery is still charging. You can leave the device to fully charge or unplug the cable and use the ARCHOS with a partial charge.


1. Song title 2. Artist name 3. Album name 4. Elapsed time
(tap anywhere on the progression bar to jump to another part of the song) 1 2 3 5 8 12
13 14 15 16

9. Return 10. Song item out of total number of songs on the device/folder 11. Play mode

Les promotions

DVR_Station_Connection_Guide_images_included USA V2.FH11
DVR_Station_Connection_Guide_images_included USA V2.FH11
16/03/2012 - www.archos.com
DVR Station Connection Guide A 1 Displaying your ARCHOS on a TV DVR Station Power Adapter 2X S-Video Cables 2X Audio Cables Remote Control DVR Adapter Click! OK Television 2 OUT IN DVR Station EN Displaying your ARCHOS on a TV FR Afficher limage de lARCHOS sur la télévision 3 OFF Installatio Wizard n AV1 1. Take the DVR Adapter that came with your ARCHOS Internet Media Tablet and insert it into the DVR Station. Install the batteries into the remote control. 2. Connect your...

20/07/2016 - www.archos.com
BON DE GARANTIE ARCHOS Education A CONSERVER pendant toute la durée de la garantie ACTIVER VOTRE GARANTIE Vous avez reçu votre tablette ARCHOS et nous vous en félicitons ! Pour activer votre garantie veuillez suivre les instructions ci-dessous : -Rendez vous sur la page éducation ARCHOS (http://www.archos.com), onglet éducation -Renseignez le N° de série de votre appareil dans la rubrique « Activation produit » A défaut de vous être enregistré, la garantie commencera 3 mois après le...

16/03/2012 - www.archos.com
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Otoño / Invierno 2005-2006 drive desire Avance 2006 www.sony.es/incar 03 Sistemas de Navegación 06 Electrónicas 10 Entretenimiento Audiovisual 12 Amplificadores, Subwoofers y Altavoces 16 Glosario En la foto: Radio CD CDX-NC9950 con sistema de navegación, unidad principal de DVD MEX-R5. Para más información > ver páginas 05, 09 a 10 Sistemas de Navegación www.sony.es/incar No pierdas la pista Con los sistemas de navegación para el automóvil de Sony, encontrarás el camino sin problemas....

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Totalement FOOT Du 6 novembre 2009 au 23 janvier 2010 Un ballon officiel PES 2010 pour l'achat d'un VAIO NW21EF ou NW21MF* OFFERT * Voir modalités de l'offre au dos ou sur www.sony.fr/promotions Offre VAIO ­ PES 2010 Modalités de l'offre Pour l'achat d'un PC portable VAIO VGN-NW21EF/S ou VGN-NW21MF/W entre le 6 novembre 2009 et le 23 janvier 2010 inclus, en France métropolitaine dans les magasins participants à l'opération, Sony vous offre un ballon officiel PES 2010. Comment bénéficier...