3D Production System Datasheet (282.3 KB) - Sony

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Sony 3D. We've taken care of every angle.
3D Production System

Key Features
· Modular flight case system - allows you to choose only the equipment and components you need. * For full configuration see reverse · Cost-effective way to create and trial 3D content without large capital investment. · MPE-200 image processor provides high quality picture and enables real-time picture control. · Flexible and highly configurable to your specific broadcast needs.

Moving to 3D can be a challenging and expensive business. But with Sony's unique 3D Production System (3DPS), broadcasters have a flexible and cost-effective way to achieve high quality 3D - with minimal capital outlay. This self-contained modular solution provides the perfect `entry level' to produce 3D content. And to make life simpler still, its heavy-duty flight case system means it's portable and easy to set up. In fact in most cases, you can be ready to roll within an hour.

· Fast and easy to set up - in most cases, within the hour. · Sony Professional Services - technical expertise and business support. · Full training available.

As well as being extremely mobile and durable, the Sony 3DPS is highly configurable and easily tailored to your specific needs. We offer the system with Sony's professional, metadata-enabled HDC-1500R or HDC-P1 cameras to achieve full functionality and zoom tracking in a live environment. The system is also compatible with any stereo camera rig and pair of HD cameras, so you can mix and match from your existing kit or choose from our proven range of 3D cameras and supporting 3D video monitors, VTRs and accessories.

At its heart is the MPE-200 multi-image processor. This simplifies the 3D shooting workflow and allows stereographers to control and correct lens differences automatically, providing a comfortable, reliable and high quality 3D picture. Plus, it eliminates traditionally expensive and unreliable mechanical 3D solutions. Behind the 3DPS is Sony's Professional Services Division. With over 30 years' experience in the broadcast industry, we're here to ensure your organisation achieves long-lasting value and makes the most of our unrivalled expertise, experience and technical knowledge in 3D.

3D Production System
Typical Equipment List


A. Camera Kits (2 Flight Cases) : · 2x HDC-1500 Camera Bodies ­ one with 3G upgrade * · 2x HKC-T1500 T-Block adapters · HDVF-C950W Viewfinder · 2x Canon lenses (HJ22EX7.6B IASE) · Set of Special 3D zoom / focus demands · Tripod Mounting Hardware B. 3D Mirror Rig (2 Flight Cases): · Mirror Hood · Mounting Frame C. Heavy Duty Tripod System (2 Flight Cases, 1 Tube): · 2 Stage Tripod · Heavy Duty Head * Different camera options are available, such as Sony's new HDC-P1 small body, HD professional unit.

D. Processor Rack (1 22U Flight Case on Castors): · MPE-200 3D Box (Image Processor Tool) · 1x HDCU-1000 Camera Control Unit ­ with 3G upgrade · 1x RCP-1500 Camera Remote Control Panel · Laptop to host MPES-3D01 GUI Software · SRW-5800 HDCamSR Video Tape Recorder · Termination Panel E. Monitors Kit (1 Flight Case): · 24" 3D monitor · 24" 2D GUI monitor F. All Appropriate Cables, including: · 1x 100m Fibre Camera Cables On Reel · All interconnecting video cables · 16A Ceeform (Commando) Mains Input, with 13A household plug adapter

Workflow Overview

For more information about how your organisation can make the most of cost-effective 3D from Sony, contact your local Sony office.

© 2010 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. All non-metric weights and measurements are approximate. Sony is a trademark of Sony Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. About Sony Professional Sony Professional is the leading supplier of AV/IT solutions to businesses across a wide variety of sectors including, Media and Broadcast, Video Security and Retail, Transport & Large Venue markets. It delivers products, systems and applications to enable the creation, manipulation and distribution of digital audio-visual content that add value to businesses and their customers. With over 25 years' experience in delivering innovative market-leading products, Sony Professional is ideally placed to deliver exceptional quality and value to its customers. Sony's Professional Services division, its systems integration arm, offers its customers access to the expertise and local knowledge of skilled professionals across Europe. Collaborating with a network of established technology partners, Sony Professional delivers end to end solutions that address the customer's needs, integrating software and systems to achieve each organisations' individual business goals. For more information please visit www.pro.sony.eu

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