2024 Allotment Of Performance Shares

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Allotment of performance shares to the Chief Executive Officer
Further to the Compensation Committee's recommendation, and in accordance with (i) the modalities set by the Board of Directors in its report on the resolutions submitted to the Shareholders' Meeting of
May 23, 2024 (eighteenth resolution) as well as in (ii) the compensation policy for the Chief Executive
Officer for the financial year 2024 included in the 2023 Universal Registration Document, the Board of Directors decided, at its meeting held on May 23, 2024, on the basis of the eighteenth resolution of the Shareholders' Meeting of May 23, 2024, to allot 2,925,243 free shares and performance shares to employees of the Group and to the Chief Executive Officer, including 203,549 performance shares for the Chief Executive Officer valued under IFRS norms at 1,949,999 euros.
Performance shares are conditional upon achieving performance as measured against criteria set out in detail in the above mentioned documents.

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