2019 Cdp Report For Cy18 And Cy17

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Logitech International SA - Climate Change 2019
C0. Introduction



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(C0.1) Give a general description and introduction to your organization.
Logitech is a multi-brand, multi-category company. We design products that enable better experiences consuming, sharing and creating any digital content, including music, gaming, video and computing, whether it is on a computer, mobile device or in the cloud.
Our products fall into five main markets:
Music: Mobile Speakers, PC speakers, PC headsets, in-ear headphones and premium wireless audio wearables. Our newly acquired microphone product line offers a range of audio tools for recording and broadcasting applications.
Gaming: PC and console gaming products, including virtual and augmented reality. We design and engineer industry-leading keyboards, mice, headsets, mousepads, controllers and simulation products such as steering wheels and flight sticks.
Video Collaboration: includes Conference Cams, with enterprise-quality audio and high definition (HD) 1080p video to bring video conferencing to businesses of any size.
Smart Home: includes advanced home entertainment controllers and home cameras as well as new products to control connected smart home devices and enable smart home security
Creativity and Productivity: including pointing devices, keyboards and combos, tablet and other accessories and webcams.


The Logitech family currently comprises five master brands: Logitech, Logitech G, ASTRO Gaming, Ultimate Ears,Jaybird, and Blue
On August 11, 2017, we acquired the ASTRO Gaming business (ASTRO). ASTRO is a leading console gaming accessory brand with a history of producing award-winning headsets for professional gamers and enthusiasts. ASTRO provides a strong growth platform in the console gaming accessories market. The scope of this Sustainability Report includes data and performance from this acquisition.

On August 21, 2018, we acquired all equity interests in Blue Microphones Holding Corporation (Blue Microphones) for a total consideration of 4.8 million in cash (the Blue Microphones Acquisition), which includes a working capital adjustment and repayment of debt on behalf of Blue Microphones. Blue Microphones is a leading audio manufacturer that designs and produces microphones, headphones, recording tools, and accessories for audio professionals, musicians and consumers. The Blue
Microphones Acquisition supplements our product portfolio. The scope of this Sustainability Report does not include data and performance associated with this acquisition as the Logitech-Blue integration process was ongoing within the reporting period.

Our registered office and holding company (Logitech International S.A.) is in Switzerland. Logitech Inc. is our principal wholly-owned subsidiary in the United States. Our network of offices worldwide employs includes 13 Principal Offices and a number of smaller
(sales-focused) offices.
We employ more than 7,000 people worldwide. We have one high-volume manufacturing facility in Suzhou, China where we employ more than 3,200 staff. On-site activities primarily comprise final assembly and testing. Components are manufactured to our specification by third-party suppliers in Asia, the United States and Europe. Approximately half of our annual revenue is generated from products manufactured at our own facility, with components from component suppliers. The other half of our annual revenue
(approx) is generated from products manufactured by contract manufacturers. Our local and international teams maintain oversight of

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