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Parker Brothers Classic Detective Game Instruction Book
Règles du Jeu de Détective Classique de Parker Brothers

More about Moving and Making Suggestions

" You may make only one Suggestion after entering a particular Room. To make your next Suggestion, you must either enter a different Room or, sometime after your next turn, re-enter the Room that you most recently left. You may not forfeit a turn to remain in a particular Room. But if you re trapped in a Room because your opponents are blocking the door(s), you must remain there until a door is unblocked and you can move out of the Room.
" When you make a Suggestion, you may, if you wish, name one or more of the cards that you hold in your own hand. You might want to do this to gain information or to mislead your opponents.
" You may make a Suggestion that includes a Suspect or Weapon that s already in your
Room. (In this case, transferring one or both of those items into the room is not necessary.) When a transfer is necessary,
leave the item(s) in the new location after the Suggestion is made.
" If the Suspect transferred was your character pawn, you may, on your next turn, do one of two things: Move from the
Room in one of the usual ways OR make a
Suggestion for that Room. If you decide to make a Suggestion, do not roll the dice or move your character pawn.
" You may, if you wish, make a Suggestion followed by an Accusation on the same turn.
(See Making an Accusation below.)

Autres règles sur les déplacements et les soupçons


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