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Transform any space into a
Zoom Room with one-touch join, one-click direct share,
and a consistent meeting experience with Logitech Tap IP.
Logitech? room solutions are available in small to extra-large configurations with accessories to suit each space.

Logitech Room Solutions for Zoom include everything you need to build out meeting rooms of virtually any size or shape a mini PC, a PC mount, an
Ultra-HD Logitech conferencecam with RightSense!" technologies, and the
Logitech Tap IP touch controller. Plus, device management has never been easier through the Zoom Dashboard or Logitech Sync.
Systems arrive neatly packaged and ready for secure installation. With premium components, clever cabling, and flexible mounting, Logitech room solutions make it easy to deploy Zoom rooms throughout the workplace.






Video-enable your huddle rooms and small rooms with the newest addition to Logitech's next-gen conference cameras.
Designed for meeting rooms up to six people, Rally Bar
Huddle enables equitable hybrid meetings for remote participants thanks to its ease of use, powerful audio,
clear video, and integration

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