Zone True Wireless Earbuds

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Stay focused and in the zone with
Zone True Wireless Bluetooth?
earbuds. The certified noisecanceling mics, hybrid ANC and immersive sound are ideal for collaboration in busy workspaces without compromising on the quality, productivity or creativity.

Logitech Zone True Wireless delivers immersive experiences that help you sound clear, stay connected and confident.
Three mics in each earbud (6 total) distinguish your voice from other sounds through a combination of advanced beamforming, cascaded noise reduction and dynamic processing so your voice always sounds clear no matter your surroundings.
Connect to a smartphone and computer simultaneously via
Bluetooth?. Zone True Wireless features advanced multipoint technology that makes it easy to switch between two active audio sources and never miss a call.





Crystal clear voice: Three noise-canceling mics in each earbud to distinguish your voice, with the innermost mic to reduce unwanted noise through bone conduction.


Zone into your world: Large 12mm drivers deliver immersive sound, active noise cancellation (ANC) to block distracting noise while Transparency mode is handy for hearing external sounds.


Reliable multipoint connection: Seamlessly switch between smartphone and computer without missing a call,
while the USB receiver provides extended performance and reliability.




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