Logitech Zone Product Family Brochure

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As the workforce redistributes into a more lasting hybrid model, a one-size-fits-all workspace solution does not exist. That's why Logitech creates human-centered technology solutions that help people create and collaborate effectively from anywhere.

Our complete personal workspace solutions will help your team do their best work while enjoying a more flexible and satisfying work experience.

Help your employees get things done from anywhere, with more security, greater flexibility, and increased comfort. At home, in the office, or on the go, employees are better equipped for the demands of work with
Logitech tools.

Our products work seamlessly across different platforms and are rigorously tested and compatible with or certified by Microsoft, Zoom,
Google, and Apple. This makes global deployment seamless and reduces
IT help desk involvement.

Logi Bolt technology delivers a high-performance, secure wireless connection by combining Bluetooth? Low Energy wireless technology
Security Mode 1, Security Level 4 with additional Logitech security features to reduce vulnerability when devices are paired to a Logi Bolt
USB receiver.

Logitech PRO support gives access to technical support globally.
Furthermore, we offer a global warranty with advanced replacement warranty?. All Logitech B2B products are also offered with a 2-year hardware warranty globally.

Predefined customizations and enhanced experiences are available with accompanying software (Logi Tune and Logi Options+), which enables users to optimize their devices based on their specific needs, set default actions for those devices, and streamline repetitive tasks.

With Logitech Sync, IT admins gain insights into personal device usage

Les promotions

16/02/2012 - www.logitech.com
DIE LINE COLOR (NO PRINT) PMS 185 C BRAND / LAUNCH: Logitech 2007 DETAILS: AMR / QSG / FRONT COLOR SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT TITLE: Pure-Fi Anywhere SPOT COLORS PROCESS COLORS K 5 25 50 75 95 DIE LINES SPECIFICATIONS / NOTES: Two color print job: Ink Order PMS 185 C + Process Black Updated with name change. MODIFICATION DATE: June 08, 2007 THIS PRINT SIZE / SCALE: 100% of original Designer: SL/MLW Location: Vancouver, WA PROJECT TITLE: Pure-Fi Anywhere SPOT COLORS DIE LINE COLOR (NO...

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