Logi Dock Datasheet

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Upgrade the remote working experience with Logi Dock, an all-in-one docking station with one-touch meeting controls and a built-in speakerphone.
Certified for leading video conferencing platforms and easy to set up, Logi Dock connects everything in one tidy unit,
replaces the need for extra peripherals, and eliminates a tangle of cables and wires.

Logi Dock is an all-in-one docking station with meeting controls and enterprise-quality audio that simplifies personal workspaces and improves the WFH experience.
Designed to declutter the desktop, Logi Dock provides a single connection point for up to five USB peripherals and two monitors1,
while powering your laptop up to 100 watts.
With calendar integration2 and support for your favorite video conferencing services like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom,
Logi Dock makes it easy to join your next meeting. Just press a button and you're in.
For high-quality calls, Logi Dock features a built-in, noise-canceling speakerphone, which also delivers impressive stereo sound when you want music as your work companion.

Integrated with leading video conferencing platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and Zoom, Logi Dock allows you to instantly join any meeting with a single touch2.

Simple Meeting Controls with Visual Alerts

Calendar Integration with Tune

Control audio and camera at your fingertips by pressing the mute, volume, or video buttons. Get alerts about upcoming video calls from the ambient light indicators.

With calendar integration2 via Logi Tune, you can stay on top of your day, get informed of upcoming appointments,
and quickly join meetings with a simple touch of a button.


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