Wave Keys Mk670 Combo Datasheet

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Wave Keys
MK670 Combo
Designed for comfort and productivity, this easy-to-use combo offers a wave keyboard with familiar typing and a contoured mouse with rubber edges for a sure grip and steady control.
Connect both devices easily with Logi
Bolt USB receiver for a secure wireless connection. Designed for sustainability, this combo features plastic parts made with a minimum of 61% post-consumer recycled plastics.1

 amiliar feel, all-day comfort: The wave design feels instantly familiar and comfortable, allowing employees to easily make the switch from straight keyboards.
 ore wrist support, less pressure: Cushioned palm rest with memory foam is designed to reduce pressure and offer better wrist support.2
 martWheel technology: Get precise line-by-line or super fast scrolling with a flick of the SmartWheel.
 uiet typing and clicking: Stay focused with keys and clicks that are quiet. Silent Touch technology produces 90% less click noise3 from the mouse.
 ogi Bolt wireless technology: Offers secure and reliable wireless connection even in congested wireless environments.
 esigned for a positive future: Made with a minimum of 61%
post-consumer recycled plastics1 and FSC!"-certified paper packaging to reduce impact on the environment.



Durability (key presses)


Keyboard type

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