Meetup Datasheet

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Logitech MeetUp
Logitech? MeetUp is a premier ConferenceCam designed for small conference rooms and huddle rooms. With a room capturing, superwide 120? field of view, MeetUp makes every seat at the table clearly visible. Motorized pan/tilt widens FOV even further: up to 170?.
A low-distortion Logitech-engineered lens,
Ultra HD 4K optics, and three camera presets deliver remarkable video quality and further enhance face-to-face collaboration.

MeetUp's integrated audio is optimized for huddle room acoustics and delivers an exceptional sound experience. Three horizontally-aimed beamforming mics and a custom-tuned speaker help ensure your meetings sound as great as they look. Humans have evolved to associate human voices with their visible images. MeetUp's front-of-room

audio provides an intuitive and coherent listening experience.
With a compact all-in-one design that minimizes cable clutter, MeetUp is USB plugand-play and simply works right out of the box with any video conferencing software application and cloud service including the ones you already use.



Super-wide 120? field of view
Widest field of view of any Logitech video conferencing solution allows everyone in the room to be seen, even those close to the camera or seated at the edges of the room.
Ultra HD 4K image sensor
Supports multiple resolutions, including 4K (Ultra HD)1
1080p (Full HD) and 720p (HD) to best support the quality offered by your application and monitor.

5x HD zoom

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