2021 Cdp Report For Cy20

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Logitech Europe S.A. - Climate Change 2021
C0. Introduction

(C0.1) Give a general description and introduction to your organization.

Logitech is a multi-brand, multi-category company. We design products that enable better experiences consuming, sharing and creating any digital content, including music,
gaming, video and computing, whether it is on a computer, mobile device or in the cloud.
Logitech was founded in Switzerland in 1981. Our registered office and holding company (Logitech International S.A.) is in Apples, Switzerland. Logitech Inc. is our principal,
wholly-owned subsidiary in the United States.
Our global footprint extends across North and South America, EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) and Asia Pacific. We employ more than 6,600 people, including more than 2,700 at our production facility.
Our global footprint extends across North and South America, EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and Asia Pacific. Our network of offices includes 19 Major Offices (i.e.
offices which account for 80% of the global floor space) and a number of smaller support and administrative offices worldwide.
Shares of Logitech International S.A. are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (trading symbol: LOGN) and on the Nasdaq Global Select Market (trading symbol: LOGI).
As of March 31, 2021, our total capitalization was ,262 million USD, funded 100% by equity, with zero debt. Total net sales for FY21 were .25 billion.
Our high-volume production facility was established in Suzhou, China in 1994. On-site activities primarily comprise final assembly and testing. Components are manufactured to our specification by suppliers in Asia, the United States and Europe.
We use Joint Design Manufacturers and Contract Manufacturers to supplement internal capacity and to reduce volatility in production volumes. Our local and international teams maintain oversight of all in-house and supplier production activities, manufacturing know-how, quality process controls, social and environmental responsibilities and
Intellectual Property protection. This hybrid model of in-house manufacturing and third-party manufacturers enables us to effectively respond to rapidly changing demand,
leverage economies of scale, maintain strong quality process controls, reduce volatility in production levels, and optimize time to market.
Our products fall into five main segments:
Creativity and Productivity: With ever-increasing connectivity and consistent growth in time spent by people on computing platforms, we continue to innovate and grow market share for pointing devices, keyboards/ combos, tablets and other accessories and webcams.
Gaming: Our Gaming category comprises PC and console products designed to enhance gamer experiences, including virtual and augmented reality. We design and engineer industry-leading keyboards, mice, headsets, mouse pads, controllers and simulation products such as steering wheels and flight sticks.
Video Collaboration: Our Video Collaboration category includes Conference cams that combine enterprise-quality audio, high definition (HD), 1080p video and affordability, to enable video conferencing by businesses of any size.
Music: Our Music category includes two sub-categories: Mobile Speakers; and Audio & Wearables. The Mobile Speakers sub-category includes portable wireless
Bluetooth(R) and Wi-Fi speakers that are waterproof and provide bold, immersive sound in every direction. The Audio & Wearables category comprises: PC speakers and headsets; in-ear headphones; premium wireless audio wearables; wireless audio wearables for sports and active lifestyles; and a range of audio tools for recording or broadcasting applications, from YouTube and podcast production to music and gaming.
Smart Home: This category includes advanced home entertainment controllers and home cameras that enable home monitoring via mobile devices. It also includes new products dedicated to controlling emerging categories of connected smart home devices such as lighting, thermostats and door locks.
The Logitech family currently comprises six master brands: Logitech, Logitech G, ASTRO Gaming, Ultimate Ears,Jaybird, Streamlabs and Blue Microphones. On October 31
2019, we acquired all equity interests in General Workings, Inc. (Streamlabs). Streamlabs is a leading provider of software and tools for professional streamers. The
Streamlabs Acquisition is complementary to our gaming portfolio.
Production Facility
Our GHG inventory comprises Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Scope 1 and 2 emissions arise from our production facility and offices. Scope 1 emissions arise due to fuel and refrigerants. Scope 2 emissions arise from electricity. As per previous years, we continue to report by calendar year. This submission reports data from CY20.


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